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cTrader Indicators

Below you can find a list of free cTrader indicators you can download from our website. You can use them in your cTrader platform for analysis or to generate trading signals in combination with other indicators. All indicators have open-source code, providing you with the opportunity to modify and customize them as you wish.

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cTrader isn't the most popular platform to trade Forex online, but some brokers offer it and some traders like it. The best about using cTrader indicators are the following:

  • If you cannot trade via MetaTrader, cTrader is one of the few options that allow custom indicators.
  • cTrader indicators are coded using a conventional programming language (C#), which is widely known.
  • Usually, it isn't difficult for a non-coder to analyze the code of a cTrader indicator and apply their own modifications.

You will need a trading account with one of the cTrader Forex brokers to download the platform and use the indicators.

If you want to share your own indicator or if you want to comment on any cTrader indicator presented here, please visit our forum on trading platforms.