cot report

  1. IFC Markets

    Dollar bullish bets decline after Fed meeting

    US dollar net long bets fell last week to $26.18 billion from $28.65 billion against the major currencies during the previous week, according to the report of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) covering data up to November 13 and released on Friday November 16. The dollar bullish...
  2. IFC Markets

    Dollar long bets rise on better than expected jobs report

    US dollar bullish bets edged up last week to $28.65 billion from $26.46 billion against the major currencies during the previous week, according to the report of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) covering data up to November 6 and released on Friday November 9. The dollar bullish...
  3. IFC Markets

    Dollar bullish bets rise after solid GDP report

    US dollar net long bets edged up last week to $26.46 billion from $26.16 billion against the major currencies during the previous week, according to the report of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) covering data up to October 30 and released on Friday November 2. The dollar bullish...
  4. CashBackForex

    Speculators Heavy USD Buyers

    CFTC Commitments of Traders (COT) Report 05 November 2013, published 08 October 2013, Technical Analysis. For the first time in nine weeks, spec long positions in the USD has increased. The total USD long is now up to 93,646 contracts, compared to only 12,746 contracts last week. Shorts...
  5. CashBackForex

    Specs Liquidate USD Longs - CFTC COT Report - Technical Analysis

    There was near-unanimous liquidation by selling in the USD longs in all the contracts we review except the SF, and the New Zealand USD. Selling of the USD by those previously short in the pound and the euro were the most active. Specs, however, have more selling of the USD before they can...
  6. CashBackForex

    Speculative Buying in the Euro

    CFTC Commitments of Traders (COT) Report 16 April, published 19 April 2013 - Technical Analysis. There was aggressive buying in the Euro during the latest period. We suspected the run up to the 1.32 level on the 16th of April was short-covering, and the market has subsequently reversed. The...
  7. CashBackForex

    Speculators Buy More Dollars

    CFTC Commitments of Traders (COT) Report 02 April, published 05 March 2013 - Technical Analysis. Speculators increased their aggregate net position in the USD to 338,399 contracts, up from 322,132 in the previous week. Almost all of the increase was caused by additional short selling in the...
  8. CashBackForex

    Speculators Continue to Cover USD Short Position

    CFTC Commitments of Traders (COT) Report, published 15 February 2013 - Technical Analysis. There was about a 58K contract reduction in the combined net short position in the USD. The biggest reduction was in the Australian Dollar where the reduction was almost 40K contracts. Specs remain long...
  9. CashBackForex

    Again Speculators Cover Short USD Positions

    CFTC Commitment of Traders (COT) Report, published 29 January 2013 - Technical Analysis. Continuing last week's trend, the speculators aggregate position short position in the USD was again reduced. Last week, the reduction was a mere 25K but this week the specs got serious and reduced their...
  10. CashBackForex

    Speculators Continue to Cover Short USD Positions

    CFTC Commitments of Traders Report, 06 November 2012. Speculators continue to cover their short USD positions, taking the net position down to only 42,006 contracts from last week's total of 75,689 contracts. When dissecting the aggregate net position, there are some interesting trends. The...