oil price

  1. forum forex

    Gold Analysis from Forum Forex

    Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) got listed on Sunday its drilling unit in a $1.1 billion initial public offering (IPO), the largest ever on the Abu Dhabi stock market. ADNOC Drilling, whose share offering received over $34 billion in demand, is expected to be among the 10 largest...
  2. R

    Crude’s big slide… how low can it go?… (Video)

    I don’t think it can go below $80, says Carl Larry, Oil Outlooks and Opinions, sharing his thoughts on OPEC’s high stakes game of chicken with oil prices… Video link to the topic (detalis) >>> http://businessmediaguide.com/crudes-big-slide-how-low-can-it-go/
  3. M

    How Will War With Syria Affect Oil Prices?

    As Syria’s civil war escalates, we see the situation get closer and closer to a larger military campaign with foreign intervention. So aside from the civilian catastrophe, how will this affect world crude oil prices? In recent days, a Syrian fighter pilot defected to Jordan along with his...