position sizer

  1. 使用Position Sizer的疑難解答

    創建這篇文章的目的是討論使用Position Sizer時遇到的疑難問題。爲此設定基本規則: 一、標題的規範 使用含有遞增數字的標題。使用「標題一」格式。 示例: 第一個問題 二、問題描述的規範 使用簡要文字精確描述問題。使用常規格式。 示例: 無法在Position Sizer中使用算法交易。 三、日志的規範 附上日志以供分析。使用代碼格式。 示例: 2024.03.29 16:30:59.394 Position Sizer (NZDUSD-,M30) Trying to load settings from file. 2024.03.29 16:30:59.397...
  2. Enivid

    cTrader Position Sizer

    Discuss the cTrader Position Sizer robot here. This cBot lets you calculate optimal position size and execute trades based on these calculations. It's a conversion of the popular MetaTrader Position Sizer EA. Please note: this post's date has been modified to keep at the top of the thread...
  3. Enivid

    Position Sizer

    Discuss the Position Sizer expert advisor here. This EA lets you calculate optimal position size and execute trades based on these calculations. Based on Position Size Calculator, it allows some additional control over the trades it opens. You can ask any questions about this free MetaTrader...