pro trading

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    Be ready for the trading week

    Use the weekend to get started on a better road. Let use help you get there. Twenty years professional trading experience. Inexpensive help fro market pros.
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    Pilots have a check list, so do pro traders

    Order our trader check list. It is at the desk of every Trader's Bay Partners trader. Detailed check to both start your day and pre trade entry. Just like airline pilots go through a preflight check list,this is the same for traders. Detailed yet easy to understand and quick to do every day...
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    Don't fall into the 90's day trader traps

    Read our latest free blog piece about staying out of the tech bubble traps of old as a modern fx trader. Seeing it everyday. Also see our services page for inexpensive help from a professional trading desk.
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    Real pro trading help from $3 to $99

    We do not provide investment advice or specific trade ideas but we can help! If you are a struggling trader or just need to make sure you are on track, use our trade review service. For $25 we will review one month of your trades looking for patterns of mistakes , excessive trading and other bad...