trading contest

  1. hayseed

    metaquotes trading contest

    why do you think metaquotes ceased the trading contests..... //----- this is a question that has truly puzzled me for many years...... perhaps someone here will have a more informed point of view..... when asked back then, metaquotes official response was we are investing all our time...
  2. Enivid

    ForexMart Smart $20 Trading Contest

    Smart $20 is a live account trading contest from the ForexMart broker with a very low entry barrier. To participate in this contest you need to follow three simple steps: Open a special contest account. Make a deposit of exactly $20 to that account. Trade with 1:3000 leverage to outrank other...
  3. CashBackForex

    Not Every Trade Makes Money

    How true it is, not every trade does make money. Traders, after analysis of various inputs, reach a conclusion, and enter the trade. The analysis can include a myriad of inputs. Initially, most traders tend to rely on technical analysis, probably because it is easier to get a rudimentary...
  4. CashBackForex

    Forex Demo Account Trading Contest: $10,000 CASH Prizes!

    The Excel Markets trading contest offers $10,000 USD in CASH prizes and utilizes demo accounts so it is risk free. Forex Razor will be hosting it's second trading competition beginning April 15, the same day the March contest ends. This time the ante is even larger, sponsored once again by...