Quantic is an internationally recognized investment firm currently seeking 3 traders to manage a $10 Million equivalent portfolio. Through the Quantic Traders Challenege, powered by TopTradr the 3 best traders over a six month period will be selected to manage $10 Million. If you believe you are a great trader and have the winning formula, this is your chance to prove it. Enter the challenge today and claim your spot in the largest trading challenge ever held!
Participants in the Quantic Traders Challenge will be competing for a chance at a $10 million allocation. This is a 6 month live trading competition beginning on January 1, 2015. Traders wishing to participate will simply need to open an account with Direct FX and deposit a minimum of $5,000.00. Traders who rank in the top three position on the Leaderboard using the TopTradr TT Score, will be awarded the capital allocations in these increments:
1st place $5 Million Allocation
2st place $3 Million Allocation
3rd place $2 Million Allocation
Learn more at: http://www.directfx.com/en/quantic-traders-challenge/
Participants in the Quantic Traders Challenge will be competing for a chance at a $10 million allocation. This is a 6 month live trading competition beginning on January 1, 2015. Traders wishing to participate will simply need to open an account with Direct FX and deposit a minimum of $5,000.00. Traders who rank in the top three position on the Leaderboard using the TopTradr TT Score, will be awarded the capital allocations in these increments:
1st place $5 Million Allocation
2st place $3 Million Allocation
3rd place $2 Million Allocation
Learn more at: http://www.directfx.com/en/quantic-traders-challenge/