DaxBot MT4 +25% Monthly REAL Results


Jan 14, 2020
Dear Earnforex,
Please find attached Fully Working DEMO Version of DAXBOT.eu.
Won 14/16 of last trades at 1:1 RR.

This DEMO works on any Mt4 DEMO account until 31/03/2020. It will backtest etc but not run on a live account.
Please place EA in your MT4>Experts Folder and restart MT4.

We suggest to use same broker as us, admiral markets PRIME MT4>>>>: OPEN ADMIRAL DEMO

Use any broker with DAX but do not expect identical results as ours as feed/spread makes difference to signal generation. Admiral PRIME offer 0.2 spread in DE30.

Please run on DAX30 Instrument on Chart 5 min. It will detect if you broker calls it DE30, DAX, DAX30, GER30. not matter.

It is preset to 1000 to 1800 (GMT+2), please change if you broker is different than GMT+2
The trading window should begin when DE30 opens at 9am CET. (8am GMT)

Risk:For +25% a month use 2.0 lot per €1000 balance. (€2 a point / €40 per win)
For +50% month use 4.0 lot per €1000 balance.

It trades only 1 time a day. Lot size will X2 after loss and reset after win, only 2 layers of risk.
This EA will have loss trades but will not burn an account like a martingale as Risk is fixed and only levels of risk.

Take profit and loss set to 2000, this is 20 Dax points.
If you use other brokers, just make sure lot size is correct as some use contract sizes, some use lot sizes etc.

Live licence contact me please on email.
Please do not send us PM here, we have only 1 reply a day as commercial member. EMAIL ME.
Live account performance monitor on myfxbook.

Its totally hands free, not need to turn off on holidays or news.

Thank you.
Matts Korsen
Head Relations
Backtest: https://www.myfxbook.com/strategies/...-3ktest/182390


  • DaxBotEuV1Demo (1).ex4
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