As you are well aware there are plenty of deals everywhere in the retail space and forex brokers are no exception. One thing you may have noticed is the increase in advertised Christmas bonuses which often is nothing more than
a bonus which was previously offered or a limited time bonuses between 100% and 200% with a Santa Clause hat or Christmas tree around it.
Don't be fooled or sucked into making a deposit to take advantage of this 'one-time offer' only. It is an attempt to get traders to make deposits as the general mood is festive and consumers spend a bit more in the weeks before Christmas. The terms and conditions on bonuses are often terrible and you will likely never see the positive impact of them. Trade your own money and only deposit when you feel like depositing and don't feel pressure to chase a bonus. Real traders do not rely on bonuses, they rely on their trading skills.
a bonus which was previously offered or a limited time bonuses between 100% and 200% with a Santa Clause hat or Christmas tree around it.
Don't be fooled or sucked into making a deposit to take advantage of this 'one-time offer' only. It is an attempt to get traders to make deposits as the general mood is festive and consumers spend a bit more in the weeks before Christmas. The terms and conditions on bonuses are often terrible and you will likely never see the positive impact of them. Trade your own money and only deposit when you feel like depositing and don't feel pressure to chase a bonus. Real traders do not rely on bonuses, they rely on their trading skills.