Earn £75 for hour and a half online focus group about FX


Active Trader
May 27, 2009
FX Platform review

We are a market research company looking for participants in an online focus group about FX trading platforms this Thursday at 7pm UK time.

Why we doing this?
Our client is an FX platform company who would like to gain a better understanding of what makes a platform good and what not. All from the perspective of active, seasoned users of FX platforms.

What’s involved?
You and 5 others will be invited to join in an hour and half online discussion on Thursday 11th 7pm GMT. We’ll show you some platforms and discuss in a group pro’s and con’s.

What’s in it for you?
Well besides the chance to directly influence the makers of one of the leading platforms we will also pay you £75 cash for your time!

How do I sign up?

If you are interested please send an email to fxproject@nqual.com or call +44(0)20 7138 4057 and answer the following basic questions. In case of response by email, we will get in touch with you upon receipt of your email and let you know if you will be selected to take part.

1. How many years in total have you been trading?
2. Are you a full time or part time trader?
3. How many different platforms have you used over the last 3 years?
4. Which according to you are the top 3 platforms out there at the moment?

Please be aware we are not trying to sell anything nor is this a scam. Please check out our credentials at www.nqual.com or give us a call on the above mentioned phone number.

Many thanks

Nqual team