Trying to prevent excess arrays; anyone have an easy way to have for example string Array[0]="_126" be able to be subtracted straight from an integer value? Like typecasting or something?
I want to subtract Bars-Array[0] without needing to worry about the _ so we can effectively do the computation without generating 126 without the _ in a separate array. Does it even matter PC Run time wise?
StringToInteger(Array[0]) not it
I dont want to use anything that is not in the vain of typecasting . Know about stringsubtract etc
I want to subtract Bars-Array[0] without needing to worry about the _ so we can effectively do the computation without generating 126 without the _ in a separate array. Does it even matter PC Run time wise?
StringToInteger(Array[0]) not it
I dont want to use anything that is not in the vain of typecasting . Know about stringsubtract etc
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