Get on the right track now! Inexpensive help


Jan 18, 2015
If you are a struggling trader or just need to make sure you are on track, use our trade review service. For $25 we will review one month of your trades looking for patterns of mistakes , excessive trading and other bad habits you may not notice. Stop issues? You might be missing a structural issue in your plan. We also offer a years review for $99. With either plan you will receive a clear and concise report that details issues we see in your trading. The review is done by a twenty year market professional. An inexpensive way to get a pro view and get on the right track.
   Send an email  to  stating the plan you want. We will send you a PayPal invoice and instructions  on emailing your trade blotter(or downloaded file) for review. Its quick, inexpensive and a good way to get on the right track. Safe and confidential. You block out your account numbers.

You can also receive the Trader's Bay Partners start of the week letter we use for our focus. It contains the data events and consensus we focus on for the week. The events,speeches etc that will happen. Any geo political issues that are likely to be in play that we look at. Also a bit of chatter going around from desks and a mental tip for the week.
Its a quick easy read that just gives you any easy place to look and a reminder. Sent out every Monday morning at 7am central time. The best part, its only $3 a week. No, no free trials its 3 bucks! Use what pros start the week with,print it and put it at your desk. Minutes to read. Helps all week. Send an email to for your order. We will send you a PayPal invoice. Orders must be done b y Saturday night for the coming week.