Is it true you can lose 10 times what you put in? For example if I start with 100 I can actually lose 1000 off that hundred because they let you buy 10 times more than what you got?
No, it's not true. Your loss is always limited with the size of your account (or your stop-loss level). The Forex broker will force-close your losing position if the loss exceeds the stop-out level.
The Forex market is the most traded exchange in the world with over 3 trillion dollars traded daily. Since today forex is available to anyone with a computer and a desire to invest, forex has turned into financial market with the largest online presence.
Is it true you can lose 10 times what you put in? For example if I start with 100 I can actually lose 1000 off that hundred because they let you buy 10 times more than what you got?
The enormous size of the Forex market gives it the speed and liquidity like no other financial world market. Losses exist, but Profits are even higher! But just like any other speculative trade, amplified risks are involved along with the probability for a higher profit/loss.
You can lose only what the equity you deposited in your trading account, however your losses can be multiplied and you can lose it much faster than in other securities such as Stocks.
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