Most traders follow trends and economic projections in order to somehow predict changes in the pattern of exchange rates. However, there is another way to predict or to calculate the patterns by examining the state of the stock market, since, this a based on thousands of reports coming from companies all over the world.
Furthermore, price fluctuation depends of the amount of supply and demand in the world market. However, this fundamental principle is influenced by various factors that caused permanent currency fluctuations every day. An example of which is when an exchange rate is low, it follows that exports are cheaper. As a result, exporters get more revenue which affect he state of the stock market.
Furthermore, price fluctuation depends of the amount of supply and demand in the world market. However, this fundamental principle is influenced by various factors that caused permanent currency fluctuations every day. An example of which is when an exchange rate is low, it follows that exports are cheaper. As a result, exporters get more revenue which affect he state of the stock market.