Last Copies of The Gold Silver and Oil Robot.. 48hrs left!


Master Trader
Mar 26, 2011
It happened, commoditycode has SOLD OUT. Every copy has gone
except a bank trader license (that cost usd 20,000!) ..

So what they did was split that license up as it had a huge trade cap
of 100 mio usd and made a few more "private" trader licenses

I have no idea how long you can get one, I secured mine and will be a
happy camper over the next couple of months.


If you want to make profits with gold silver and oil you need to ACT
NOW.. I think by tomorrow the page will be closed.

Remember you are fully protected as a consumer so you really have
nothing to lose..

The performance is astounding, even during the 1 week presentation
they made tens of thousands of dollars in trading profits.


Be quick, opportunities such as this one are rare.. if you don`t act
fast you might regret it later when the big "SOLD OUT!" sign appears..

15 Licenses to go... Hurry.
