The main feature of Risk Reward Ratio Indicator is to allow the user conscious investing. Each transaction bears certain risk. Risk Reward Ratio analyses the risk thoroughly, before position is opened. Therefore, it is much easier to make investment decisions.
Risk Reward Ratio tool is a professional algorithm, that calculates risk of every transaction before it is finalized. It allows you to precisely estimate gain and possible loss. The professional system is able to estimate levels of Take Profit and Stop Loss incredibly precisely, making investments more effective and safer.
Easy investing, quick risk and gain calculations are only a few features of our tool. Extended functionality of Risk Reward Ratio includes:
- following the price
- moving lines on the chart
- setting constant TP - SL levels
- removing all lines with one click
- closing one or all positions with one click
- adding and removing lines indicating TP/SL levels
- numerous other interesting and very useful features
In the attachment is version for MT4 and MT5 and active for 7 days. The file should be added to the Experts tab and activated AutoTrading in MT4/MT5
How to run Risk Reward Ratio
Risk Reward Ratio tool is a professional algorithm, that calculates risk of every transaction before it is finalized. It allows you to precisely estimate gain and possible loss. The professional system is able to estimate levels of Take Profit and Stop Loss incredibly precisely, making investments more effective and safer.
Easy investing, quick risk and gain calculations are only a few features of our tool. Extended functionality of Risk Reward Ratio includes:
- following the price
- moving lines on the chart
- setting constant TP - SL levels
- removing all lines with one click
- closing one or all positions with one click
- adding and removing lines indicating TP/SL levels
- numerous other interesting and very useful features

In the attachment is version for MT4 and MT5 and active for 7 days. The file should be added to the Experts tab and activated AutoTrading in MT4/MT5
How to run Risk Reward Ratio