The 800%+ CommodityCode Robot Is Live!


Jul 17, 2012
Finally the big day arrived.. the timer ticked to zero and the
commodity code page went live..

As Steve told me before there are 3 different types of licenses
available.. what I didn't know is that every license holder gets
personal 1 on 1 phone support and a so called "profit Pass" for a
meeting in Austria in 2014 (fully paid stay and room) to discuss
developments and profits... so this is an ongoing travel to financial
freedom that we can take together.

That`s something I truly like.. building a community of profitable
traders to join together.

Only few licenses are available as I feared..

Steve told me they might change the volumes like splitting a bank
license up to help smaller investors obtain a copy as they are running
out much faster than anticipated.

You need to hurry now.. Go and grab your license, as this is a one of
a kind opportunity that will not repeat itself anytime soon..

I would love to meet you in Austria in 2014 and talk about the past
profitable year. I really do!




Copies are running out! Remember you are fully protected by LAW by a
money back guarantee.. there is nothing to lose and only to gain.