Trade with market emotion


Mar 25, 2013
Hi everyone,

I have been trading for many years but always felt that I was missing market backing. I am not a fundamentals trader so I have always been trading according to technical and lots of systems published on various "Holy Grail" sites. Made money but also lots a couple of accounts doing stupid things.

I was looking for a better way to find out what the market sentiment is to backup my technical signals. It took my quite a while to develop but I have been using it now for a couple of months and it is really working very well for me.

Basically what I do is I leverage of the market sentiment based on twitter feeds. I have developed an application that finds all the tweets for a particular currency and extracts the market sentiment for it.

I have created a very basic website to show the signals etc. Signals are updated every 5 minutes and summarized per hour and per day to see the hourly and daily trend.

Here is the link to my site :

If you have any suggestions etc please do not hesitate to contact me.

Like I said, this is a free service so if I do not respond to your email immediately, please understand.
