Trading quacks

Trading skills is like having the skills of a heart surgeon , trading skills required are very difficult.Not every doctor can do heart surgery with skill, in the old days anybody used to try to do heart surgery with knives , there was a special name for these doctors who did not have the skills.

Most amateurs who have not passed any trading educational qualifications are like quack doctors , because they are not skilled.Trading requires as much studying as heart specialists , they spend over 10 years studying and practicing.

Trader " I want to make $5,000 day trading everyday from forex bucket shops".

A charlatan (also called a swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence trick or deception in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception. Synonyms for "charlatan" include "shyster", "quack", or "faker". "Mountebank" comes from the Italianmontambanco or montimbanco based on the phrase monta in banco - literally referring to the action of a seller of dubious medicines getting up on a bench to address his audience of potential customers.[1] "Quack" is a reference to "quackery" or the practice of dubious medicine or a person who does not have actual medical training who purports to provide medical services.

Most trading educators, authors and signal providers are quacks , they failed at trading.There is a lot of good stuff out there, but unfortunately 99.9% is garbage.It is virtually impossible task for the little man to be successful, one has to experience and understand profitable trading The industry is the blind leading the blind.Those who failed write books,teach,coach,sell seminars,signals and generally breed the failures of tomorrow.Those who can do, those who can't teach,write books,sell, educate and sell maps of technical analysis..Those who can trade,trade!Those who know nought are gurus to the new failures of tomorrow.These people mislead ea developers.We have industry of >98 % failures, they don't know how to trade, never traded profitably, these failures made money from selling books, signals,educationalist courses,trading seminars,trading advice,selling eas, tools,software, pretending to be traders and stooges for bucket shops, they are teaching how to trade profitably, when they don't know how.


Ary Barroso

Active Trader
Jul 9, 2017
Trading skills is like having the skills of a heart surgeon , trading skills required are very difficult.Not every doctor can do heart surgery with skill, in the old days anybody used to try to do heart surgery with knives , there was a special name for these doctors who did not have the skills.

Most amateurs who have not passed any trading educational qualifications are like quack doctors , because they are not skilled.Trading requires as much studying as heart specialists , they spend over 10 years studying and practicing.

Trader " I want to make $5,000 day trading everyday from forex bucket shops".

A charlatan (also called a swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence trick or deception in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception. Synonyms for "charlatan" include "shyster", "quack", or "faker". "Mountebank" comes from the Italianmontambanco or montimbanco based on the phrase monta in banco - literally referring to the action of a seller of dubious medicines getting up on a bench to address his audience of potential customers.[1] "Quack" is a reference to "quackery" or the practice of dubious medicine or a person who does not have actual medical training who purports to provide medical services.

Most trading educators, authors and signal providers are quacks , they failed at trading.There is a lot of good stuff out there, but unfortunately 99.9% is garbage.It is virtually impossible task for the little man to be successful, one has to experience and understand profitable trading The industry is the blind leading the blind.Those who failed write books,teach,coach,sell seminars,signals and generally breed the failures of tomorrow.Those who can do, those who can't teach,write books,sell, educate and sell maps of technical analysis..Those who can trade,trade!Those who know nought are gurus to the new failures of tomorrow.These people mislead ea developers.We have industry of >98 % failures, they don't know how to trade, never traded profitably, these failures made money from selling books, signals,educationalist courses,trading seminars,trading advice,selling eas, tools,software, pretending to be traders and stooges for bucket shops, they are teaching how to trade profitably, when they don't know how.

Actually the problem is; a number of new traders expecting quick success here; even without learning Forex trading! As a result, the loser ratio is so high (more than 90%).
Those who failed at forex write forex books,teach forex ,coach forex,sell forex seminars,forex signals and generally breed the failures of tomorrow.Those who can do, those who can't teach forex,write forex books,sell forex, educate forex and sell maps of technical analysis..Those who can trade,trade!