What If......

Ever play that game? What if...you did this? What would happen? Well, I awoke this morning with a "What If" thought. It was.....

"What if I opened a 14-pair basket just prior to Friday's LOS and used said basket trade to "trade the WE Gap?"

We've discussed How I trade the WE Gap here and I've posted info on "basket trading." I just wonder about applying "basket" to "gap." The basket would have to be filled with specific pairs that have been considered as possible "gappers." That might take some time. I'm guessing about an hour of computations. The basket would need to be fully closed upon AOS on Sunday to stop any sort of retrace.

It's funny how I think of more and more "what if's" the more I learn. This trade idea would capture any gap amount that transpired over the 48-hr downtime and across the 14. And capture ONLY the gap.

I've done it with one. Now, I need to figure out how to do it with one, 14 times. LOL Aw, put up with me. I'm old. LMAO


Mar 9, 2013
You got no reply oohps! I think your post is funny, unfortunately there is noting funny about forex. We are trading with actual money, so I don't see any reason for me to wake up in the morning and trade with "what if's". Am sure its working for you.
I'm sorry you've not captured the fun and enjoyment factor of Forex. It's there, but you have to want to find it. Unlike most I've read here, I try things out in Demo mode FIRST, and don't commit real money til it proves it works. Others use "actual money" to test. Not me. When you test a new idea, do you test with "actual money?"

Even in my daily trolling of the market, I "test" a trade in Demo before I switch the same trade to my live account. Once the trade locks in, I transfer to Live. Sure, a bit more work but a lot more profit. So, yeah, it works! And new "what if's" keep working out. Oh, for some of us, learning IS fun!


Mar 9, 2013
OK, I think your what if's is fun when using Demo. I think its a good Idea. SO, I'll just wakeup in the morning or alert myself in the middle of the day and scream "what iffffff" and I'll log into my demo account and try something new. Cool!:rolleyes:


Active Trader
Mar 18, 2013
OK, I think your what if's is fun when using Demo. I think its a good Idea. SO, I'll just wakeup in the morning or alert myself in the middle of the day and scream "what iffffff" and I'll log into my demo account and try something new. Cool!:rolleyes:

DEMO accounts are always good for trading as they give us the required exposure that is needed for the ultimate success in the world of Forex trading :)