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E-Book Review: An Introduction to Japanese Candlestick Charting

Japanese candlestick charts have become a staple trading tool since a long time ago. An Introduction to Japanese Candlestick Charting had been written by Erik Gebhard of Altavest quite some time before that (in the year 2000). Nevertheless, this e-book can still serve as a primer for newbie traders on the Japanese candles and on the patterns based on them.

An Introduction to Japanese Candlestick Charting

The whole e-book is just 14 pages long, so there is not much to review in it really. Of course, it is not some masterpiece of creative writing. Neither the quality of the charts in the e-book will impress you. However, in its small size it manages to contain the following helpful information:

  • Explanation of what is Japanese candlestick chart and how it is better than the traditional bar chart.
  • Description of the popular single-candle patterns.
  • A list of reversal patterns based on one or two candlesticks.
  • An overview of star formations.
  • A good concluding section showing a clear way for further study and learning (e.g., Steve Nison's books).

Traders fluent in Japanese candlesticks can safely ignore this introductory e-book. But if you are new to the concept, it is one the best places you could start your education on this charting method.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinion regarding An Introduction to Japanese Candlestick Charting by Erik Gebhard, please feel free to post them on our forum.