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E-Book Review: MetaTrader 4 for Dummies by Liam O’Brien

MetaTrader 4 for Dummies by Liam O’BrienAlthough MetaTrader 4 for Dummies resembles more a collection of small tutorials and tips, lacking the content structure of a book, it still can be called an e-book and read like one.

It was compiled by Liam O'Brien, the owner of now defunct website MetaTraderGlobal.com. The term compiled is more appropriate here than the term written because, apart from several pages, the author only copied the tutorial articles from other websites (providing a proper backlink to the source, of course). The resulting piece is a bit awkward to read, but it does its job well — it guides newbies through the basics of the MT4 platform's functionality.

You will learn the following things from MetaTrader 4 for Dummies:

  • What MT4 is and why it is so popular.
  • How to customize charts.
  • How to use MT4 toolbars: windows, chart, and objects.
  • How to open and close orders, set stop-loss, take-profit, and trailing stop orders.
  • How to install and activate expert advisors.
  • How to use the Strategy Tester to test expert advisors.
  • Useful hot keys and general tips for working with the MetaTrader 4 interface.

To sum it up, MetaTrader 4 for Dummies is an OK e-book if you are completely new to MetaTrader and need some quick guide for its basic controls. Otherwise, there isn't much useful information for you in it, except, maybe, for the hot keys and tips in the end of the PDF.

Earlier (before 2014), we used to host a copy of this e-book on EarnForex.com, unfortunately, we had to remove it due to the author's request, so it is no longer available for download from our website. The good thing is that it is still quite easy to find it online if you are interested in reading it.

If you have some questions or if you would like to submit your own review of this e-book, you can do so in our Forex forum.