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How to Connect MT4 to Excel

In this guide, you will learn about how to connect your MetaTrader software to Microsoft Excel software and view items live. You can watch Bid price, Ask price, High, Low and so on directly in a connected Excel spreadsheet.

In order to do this, you need to first launch your MT4 platform. Then find Tools->Options->Server item on the menu. Then find the Enable DDE server checkbox in this window and tick it. You need to launch the DDE-Sample.xls file inside the installation folder of your MT4 (same folder where your platform's executables are).

This Excel spreadsheet is now connected to your MT4 platform. You can see the table of contents displaying values like Bid and Ask prices for some currency pairs. If you want, you can also add more pairs to this list. This is how you can use an Excel spreadsheet to view items live for various currency pairs. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do with it.

If you want to ask questions or offer your suggestions on how to best sync your MetaTrader 4 platform with an Excel spreadsheet, please do so on Forex forum.