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Pattern Indicators

Pattern indicators help you find patterns on your charts: be it candlestick patterns, classic chart patterns, or some price action formations. Usually, pattern detection indicators rely on customizable parameters to find patterns. This lets you configure them to fine-tune the set of patterns they detect.

Custom pattern indicators that are presented below are completely free and are provided with open source code. Some of them are able to issue alert notifications when a certain pattern is detected. Chart pattern analysis can be a powerful tool in your trading, but you need to know well what each pattern mean and how to build your trading setups around it.

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How to up your pattern detection game?

  • Analyze the chart structure leading up to the detected pattern. Most patterns require certain context to be valid.
  • Backtest and keep detailed statistics of how each pattern performs. Accumulating your own statistics is one of the most valuable thing you can do for yourself in trading.
  • Use other indicators (trend or oscillators) for confirmation.