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Repainting Indicators

Repainting indicators is a class of indicators that change their past values based on the current market information. This results in a situation where such an indicator displays perfect signals in the chart history, but produces many false signals in real-time.

Despite that, repainting indicators can be quite useful. You just have to avoid treating them as real-time signal generators. Repainting indicators provide information on important points of chart analysis.

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Why even bother with repainting indicators?

There is a lot of misunderstanding around repainting vs. non-repainting indicators. The best way to better understand why repainting indicators can still be useful is to download some and use them on your charts.

Here are some of the reasons to actually try working with repainting indicators in trading:

  • Even though they don't provide much value in real-time trading, the output from repainting indicators can highlight important historic price levels.
  • While trading directly based on signals from a repainting indicator is suicidal, the flow of repainted signals can be interpreted for information about the real-time market situation.
  • All repainting indicators have some period beyond which they stop repainting their previous signal. After this period passes, you can try using the signal. This adds a lot of lag, but this still may work in some market situations.