Swiss Forex Brokers
Switzerland is known for its financial sector and, especially, for the reliability of its banks. Forex brokers from Switzerland are also popular among the wealthy traders as a synonymous of quality and hi-end service. Swiss brokers are thoroughly regulated by FINMA but are less limited in their services comapared to the US-regulated brokerages. Several of the world's most popular brokers are licensed as Swiss banks. Here you will find such brokers and also those with physical offices in the country. You will find 3 brokers listed in the table below.
Swiss FX companies attract both professional and part-time traders from all over the world. And here are the reasons why you should consider a company based in Swiss Confederation:
- You are from Switzerland yourself.
- You are based in the USA, but would like to trade with a non-US broker legally. Registered Swiss banks can offer that.
- You seek a better protection of your private banking information.
- You believe that Swiss regulation is superior to other jurisdictions.