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Trend Indicators

Trend indicators help you measure the direction of the current trend and confirm trend reversals after they happen. Most trend indicators are lagging indicators as they rely on averaging multiple price values from the past.

Custom trend indicators that you will find here are completely free and open-source. They will help you with trend direction detection and trend change confirmation signals. As with all trend indicators, these should be used in combination with oscillators.

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Why use custom trend indicators?

  • Trend indicators are among the most intuitive to use as they are basically showing you whether the price is rising or falling.
  • Both MetaTrader and cTrader have their own built-in trend indicators, but the above-listed custom trend indicators offer either alternative methods of trend detection or provide some important features (alerts, multi-timeframe analysis, etc.).
  • Custom trend indicators can be further improved according to your preferences.
  • You can build an automated expert advisor based on a custom trend indicator.