I'm considering here, if I need to ask you / EarnForex, to see if I can get a custom version of this EA?
I currently run 3x EAs on one terminal
a) monitor Free Margin, when it's < xx.x% then disable auto trading (set doNotResetConditions = True)
b) monitor Free Margin, when it's > xx.x% then enable auto trading (set doNotResetConditions = True)
c) monitor Free Margin, when it's < xx.x% then send out a notification
But his is not ideal, as the FM% changes, of course it's difficult to log the events.
Ideally I would like a single EA that:
When started takes note of the free margin (= open balance)
stops A/T when FM% hits xx.x%,
sends out a single notification - A/T disabled
waits.... restarts when FM% = yy.y%
(and - resets the margin% (clean restart of FM%)
and sends out a single notification - A/T enabled
Loop re-starts
Writes the A/T activities and messages to a log file
xx.x% is typically 70-90%
yy.y% is a value > 100.1% - ie lossy trades are closed and profit has been added
Is that possible?