apex futures attempt


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
hey john..... let me reply here.....

finding the trend on multiple timeframes would seem easy just by looking at the charts on each and evaluating them..... my success with that is not good.....

i tend to look for a over all balance..... the trends are meaningless if not taken with a sense of balance....

lets assume all the ma's on 240 and 1440 charts are falling..... we might feel the trend is down.... however,

there is a predictable number 60 minute counter up trends in every 1440 down trend....

there is a predictable number of 30 counter up trends in 240 and 1440 downtrend.....

you can carry that thinking down to 1 minute.....

even a 1 minute counter uptrend can hurt, even more so a 5 minute counter uptrend......

it's a rare event when all timeframe trends are the same.....

i try to time getting in when the higher timeframes agree at counter trend turning points of lower timeframes.....

i have lately been giving thought at 3 d graphing..... exporting each timeframes stochastic values into it might show how the trends on top of trends relate..... the multiple surfaces with intersection could he used..... link to it here.....

the same could be done for ma values or better still the number of bars the current trend has existed.....

but it's still a best guess......h






Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
to better explain the charts above and answer your trend question, here they are separated.....

the first chart is the mesu24...... you can see the moving averages direction horizontally on the timeframes at the top...... you really don't need that many, i'm just trying to learn mq5.....

the second chart is the current stochastic buy/sell direction of each timeframe...... the numbers vertically below are the stochastic values for the current and past bars.....

you can see the stochastic values rise or fall or meander..... and see the moving averages trends by timeframes.....

the third chart combines both.....

so, if the higher time frames trends are moving up, i really rather buy when the 1,2,3,4 and 5 minute stochastic values are single digits and many of their moving averages are falling.....

if the higher timeframes trends are falling, i really rather sell when the 1,2,3,4 and 5 minute stochastic values are > 90 and many of their moving averages are rising.....

trends begin, end and meander......

my losses and drawdowns increase when buying if the 1440 stochastic is in their high 90's or when selling if the 1440 stochastic is in the single digits.....

but profits are not all that easy regardless.....h





Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
thinking small seems to work the best for me.....

a single mnqu24 micro contract and a single 30 minute atr is all that is needed for 50$.........

50 times 10 days times 20 accounts......

do the math...... think small.....h






Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
how its going now?

hey phill...... just noticed your post...... apex is still going good...... i'm slowly moving from the 25k's to 50k's......

50k's seem easier to pass...... my low contract size is a hinderance in a sense, but helpful in another.......

my goal is 150k's by year end...... don't have any now.... might have a couple this month.....

they have always paid and feel comfortable saying they will continue...... usually the withdrawal is in my bank within maybe 5 days...... only once so far has it taken the full 15 and that might have been my fault.....

apex is kinda vague on letting you know what you might have done wrong......

no harm in that......h


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
attempting to move up to 150k and 300ks...... have a single 150k now and should have a single 300k next week..... 150k requires 9000 profit to pass.... 300k requires 20,000....... for a payout you must make those amounts again plus an additional small amount.....

all trades must be closed prior to new york close.....

apex has a strong dislike to dollar cost averaging...... you can add to a losing trade only once before they speak up.....

apex is not really bent on failing you..... they let many infractions slide with only a warning......

but it would be wise to know and follow their reasonable rules.......h


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
passed a 150k and another 50k...... not sure why i chose the 50..... didn't need it....... my goal is 20 300k's anyway......

50k's are nice because you only need 3100 to get a withdrawal..... however, it would be better to make 10k and then draw out reasonable amounts..... this keep the trailing threshold far below......

150k's give you larger safe contract sizes which are needed ..... there you must make slightly over 9k for a payout.....

now have 25k's, 50k's and 150k's....... to me that is cumbersome......

they really all need to be same size......h