Ayrex Binary Options Broker - Discussion

Praveen Lath

Jan 2, 2017
My Nickname in Contest is Agarwal. I've a Live A/c with Ayrex.com. I'm the client from last 1year. It's an excellent Broker as everything from deposit to withdrawal to online chat is clear like water. Withdrawal & Deposits are instant & nothing to hide. I've won twice in one hr contest every Monday/ Wednesday & Friday & withdrawn fund & it takes only 1/2hr to credit in my wallet. Newbie try to open & test the broker & feel it's a nice broker


Mar 17, 2015
As a binary trader i can say ayrex is the first broker offering autowithdrawal options, the other mode also faster, customer support is best. quick response, nowadays they offer 30$ no deposit bonus too to challenge 200$. a person can become online trader without money. competition on alternative days within weekdays is super hence we can say them superbroker. the most advantageous thing is the platform totally i can say ayrex is the best in the industry



Jan 2, 2017
Hello traders. I wanna add my experience at Ayrex. They have a great user friendly platform .in addition they have upgraded their platform to a new and better interface. Execution is lightning speed . Customer care is excellent . I tried the no deposit bonus program and was able to withdraw 203$. A profit of 193$ that was great for me . I love Ayrex for they are my best broker 2016
Jan 2, 2017
My few trades of Ayrex- i trade ayrex contest after registration,it was awesome the execution was fast,and no spread so it allow one to make profit easily,i;m new to binary option but i've use some bad broker,instaforex,finpari and the like,so far so good i enjoy there platform and execution.there customer care to are always on point,i hope this will be my favourite broker in the long term to achieve my goal this year.
Jan 3, 2017
Ayrex is providing very good opportunities to the traders, ayrex is giving 30$ no deposit bonus from which you can make upto 200$, that is yours. I have found this broker very good and smooth, very good and fast platform, beside this ayrex is also providing contest for all. personally i recommend this broker to all of your, join and touch the sky limits. so whoever who don't afford to invest some money, can try this borker because they are giving very good offers, good luck to all. thanks :) (Y)
Jan 3, 2017
Hello Ayrex , Well I want to share my Ayrex binary options brokers review which help you guys get some idea about this broker.

Ayrex Binary Options is one of the leading binary options broker, established in early 2014 with head offices in : Office 590, Suites 5 Horsfords Business Centre, Long Point Road, Charlestown, Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis. , they are one of the largest binary options brokers, they also seem to be very transparent and are available on corporate website including management and more. Ayrex Binary Options has made announced their aim to be the first regulated binary options broker as one of the company’s goals for 2017. Ayrex Binary Options offers a large number of assets available for your binary options trading on an easy to use and reliable platform.


Jan 3, 2017
I got no deposit bonus, which would test the trading platform. Marketplace convenient and straightforward. Instant order execution. Quotes corresponds in terms of trade. I participate in the contest. I think it's a long time to work with these companies Ayrex. Good luck and prosperity.


Jan 4, 2017
Hello to all traders from Serbia.
I just want to share with You my experience with Ayrex binary platform and with the support stuff which stands in front between trader and trading.
I have opened account few months ago, just at the moment when Ayrex started it's campaign to become the BEST binary broker with FASTEST platform.
I must admit that at the beginning I was suspicious, but when I started my communication with support I saw that it is the serious broker. Support was so excellent. I contacted them three days in a row and everytime I chatted with someone from the support it was the pleasure. I got all the answers and all the help I wanted. I'm not sure if I remember the names of support but I think there were Petra, Victor and .... (third name I cann't remember, sorry).
All in all, I started trading with their bonus promotion, made, I think about 200 USD$, and withdraw them at the moment I made a request.
Before AYREX I tried some other platforms which were years and years below AYREX.
Once again. Your work is excellent and I hope that You will stay at the same course.
Jan 5, 2017
Ayrex one of the biggest and binary options brokers established in in 2014, operated by Advanced Binary Technologies Ltd , meaning it qualifies for a EU regulation. This binary option brokers company offers a fully web based trading platform in several leading languages so any binary options trading can be done from anywhere, this platform is based on the Tradologic software. Ayrex also offers a world of mobile trading apps for tablets, Iphones and Android’s, allowing easy access from any portable device. Ayrex Binary options trading is available on hundreds of underlying assets from various stock exchanges around the world, trading can be made on Indices, Currency pairs, stock and commodities. The Ayrex group provides a clean and safe SSL web site which means your transactions are safe and secure.
Jan 5, 2017
About personal trading experience on our Ayrex

I Think the biggest factor in winning at binary options is LUCK. But yes , I can

The thing brokers will not tell is that will have to put in a lot of effort and research if want to win consistently. And even then, luck is the most powerful variable.

Like in sports betting, if I want to win I will have to have a great knowledge about the sport in question and about the teams that are playing. I will have to understand the game, the strengths and weaknesses of the teams, and the skills of the players. I will have to know about historical performance, fitness levels, injuries, and dozens of other variables. Even then, things might not go way.

If I factor in all these variables then I probably will win in the long run. It’s exactly the same in binary options trading. There are countless variables and risks that I will have to consider in order to accurately predict the future development of an asset.

Issues like time of the year, state of the economy, political developments, economic performance of key market makers, recent business news and events are constantly influencing the movement of stock prices and commodities.

In order to be able to accurately predict the movement of an asset, I will have to be up to date with all of this info. Also, in order to be successful I will have to understand a variety of technical data as well, such as being able to read charts, use technical indicators, understand statistic calculations, and much more.
Mar 28, 2016
Warren Buffet - Wizard of Omaha

Dear Traders,

When someone is asking you who is the best investor in the world, you can easily go with Warren Buffet. This man won't ever let you down. Newspapers define him as "the world's wealthiest man" and "the most influential" one.

His passion for economics has revealed itself when he was still very young and during childhood he has started different ventures, such as selling chewing gum, Coca-Cola bottles or magazines. What makes it unusual is that from the very beginning Buffet knew how to make things really work. Proving this statement, he has developed the best door to door mail delivery by improving the existing order. At 10 he visited the New York Stock Exchange and at 11 he bought the first shares for himself, his sister Doris and bought the land when he was 14 years old. His senior yearbook reads: "Likes math; a future stockbroker". Yes, trading is really where he was born to be.

Studying in Columbia University, Warren met his best teacher and mentor - Benjamin Graham, one of the most famous economists of the 20th century. "The basic ideas of investing are to look at stocks as business, use the market's fluctuations to your advantage, and seek a margin of safety. That's what Ben Graham taught us. A hundred years from now they will still be the cornerstones of investing" Warren used to say.

Buffet can be a perfect role model, if you want to trade like a classic value investor, basically because he was one the economists who invented it. Work on development of value investing theory is one of his main achievements, which involves trading only on stocks, which are selling at an extraordinary discount to the value of underlying assets (so called "intrinsic value"). Buffet has started to pay a lot of attention to the company's background and its management, which is close to all who is fond of fundamental analysis.

One of the main principles of Buffet's trading theory is to find successful but yet unpopular companies and buy their stocks. Considering the goal here we can call it security without any doubts, cause risks are very low and investments are safe, so Buffet is probably as much a long term player as a trader can ever be.

As the economic world is becoming more complicated and harder to analyze every year, value investing can be hard to implement sometimes, but with the great example in front of your eyes and clever approach you can widen your trading horizons and reach new investing heights!


Start your own trading history with Ayrex!

Sincerely yours,
Ayrex Team.


Jan 9, 2017
Ayrex is my favorite broker of Binary Options, your initial deposit is $ 5, an ideal value for traders who are starting binary options. Its execution is very fast, no delay, the support is really perfect, unique service and its withdrawal is of maximum 2 hours, best broker of binary options, negotiate with confidence!
Jan 3, 2017
I will tell my business experience to ayrex. To become a successful investor.

Indeed, business investment Binary Option trading is very attractive profit but also full of risks and challenges. Today, investors traded Binary become ever more popular in the world of finance. The job of the investor is to maximize profit on each transaction and limit any risks to the minimum. You need to have a specific plan to simplify and structure of the investment to be ready for operation at any time. Over the years, I've tried to simplify things in business investment Binary to develop investment plans become successful investors. I need to learn and understand the key elements of this 6:

1) Patience, patience to patience.
2) Persistence, persistence to consistently.
3) Learning, always learning from failure.
4) Be honest, first to yourself, things and events.
5) Prepare a full plan.
6) Discipline.
Mar 28, 2016
Dear Traders,

In the end of 1999 widely known Fortune Magazine named this man as "one of the four investment giants of the XX century" and later on Times proclaimed him as “one of world’s 100 most powerful and influential people”, and to be honest it is pretty hard to disagree with it.

Earlier Bogle’s biographer Robert Slater described his life as "evolutionary, iconoclastic and uncompromisingly committed to his founding principles of putting the interests of the investor first and constructively criticizing the fund industry for practices that run counter to low-cost, client-oriented mutual fund investing". Sounds like a good example of a perfect trader but what makes him such an exceptional investor?

John Bogle was born in 1929 and his childhood was clouded with the events of the Great Depression. During these cruel years his family has lost their inheritance and broke up. Despite of the hard circumstances, John was an excellent student with a bright talent for math as numbers and calculations have always fascinated him. At Princeton University Bogle studied economics and investment and chose mutual funds as his major subject, which has not been well developed before.

In 1974 John Bogle founded Vanguard Company which has been considered by economists as the one of the most respected investment companies ever since. It wasn’t the end of Bogle’s creativeness and in 1975 Vanguard 500 Index fund was created and it is considered as first index mutual fund. The main idea was to lower the current prices and make the index fund copy the index performance over the long run. Due to this plan, with the lower costs the better money management system could be easily implemented.

One of the most important moments of Bogle’s strategy is a strict line between investment and speculation, which lies within the time limits. According to these views, investment is considered with the long term operations only, whereas short term trading is about speculation mostly. John Bogle seems to believe in the thought through technical analysis, while speculation has already affected financial market grandly. In his trading life Bogle hold on to the 8 rules, which can be extremely useful for every professional trader:
  • Select low-cost funds

  • Consider carefully the added costs of advice

  • Do not overrate past fund performance

  • Use past performance to determine consistency and risk

  • Beware of stars (as in, star mutual fund managers)

  • Beware of asset size

  • Don't own too many funds

  • Buy your fund portfolio - and hold it
Becoming the great trader is not a destination but a long path and there are can be different obstacles on it. Be ready to adjust your trading style to the always changing conditions and look at the example of pro traders from time to time - you can learn so much from them.


Start your own history with Ayrex!

Available online | App Store | Google Play

Sincerely yours,
Ayrex Team.


Jan 11, 2017
This is a happy customer speaking :)
Last Monday (it's Wednesday evening now) I registered for the no-deposit bonus.
It took me exactly 3 days of trading to reach the required volume,
turning my saldo of 30 into 200. And then... a little bit of magic:
after I send in my documents who were verified in about 30 minutes,
and I request a withdrawal : the money popped on my account the very second I asked for it!

Compared to previous experiences this is simply unseen,
and makes me want to continue working with Ayrex.

Keep you posted on the developments....
Mar 28, 2016
Dear Traders,

The first month of the new year has always been the good start to start something new and keep on with the good old habits. Financial world is not an exception - life is starting to awake from the doze of countless celebrations.

In the beginning of January we have wintessed the unexpected inflation breakout in Germany, where consumer prices increased for 1.7%, which can seriously affect the whole euro zone.

Energy prices have started to increase again ($55 for a barrel of West Texas Intermediate crude oil).

USD is also showing quite stable bullish movement since Trump's election, so traders keep expecting further U.S. growth. Meanwhile, Chinese yuan is currently affected by the strong dollar and there can be serious pressure on it, if situation does not change shortly. Considering the current views of the new US president and his protectionist trade policy, we can say that this year won't be easy for yuan.

American and European manufacturing keeps showing stable growth and during 2017 we can expect further expansion in demand. Also, this year there is a tendency to hold on the long government bonds instead of the shorter-dated obligations.

Although financial market has always been a very fast-changing space, which can be hard and sometimes impossible to predict, it is within the powers of every trader to adapt his trading style to the existing circumstances and keep return rate as high as possible.

Sincerely yours,
Ayrex Team.
Mar 28, 2016
Dear Traders,

We have prepared another short interview with one of our Contest winners and we hope that you will enjoy it and find it useful!

The hero of the day is Rey M. from Brunei, who has won in the Binary Blast in December.

1) Hi Rey! Could you tell us a little bit about how do you prepare for each round?

R: Hey! The first thing to prepare for each round is to decide how much are you willing to risk in the trade. Because if it is 50% or more of your balance, you either will win it and it will be a huge profit or you will lose 50% of your trading balance and it is really a lot. So, you need to be aware of of the risks and how much you can lose and be ready to do it for the rewards in the end.

2) What do you like about the Contest the most?

R: What I like about the Contest the most is that anyone on the net can join it. You don't need to deposit first or even simply verify your account to get this amazing real life trading experience.

3) What can you recommend to other participants?

R: What I can personally recommend to any trader, who wants to try Binary Blast out, is to never give up and stop trying. Evaluate your risks and keep studying the market (it is is a never ending learning). Do not take Contest too seriously, cause it can be just another useful experience for you on the way of becoming professional trader.

Binary Blast takes place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:00 pm GMT. Good luck in the next rounds!


Sincerely yours,
Ayrex Team.

Sandra Rangel

Active Trader
Jan 13, 2017

My experience with ayrex is as follows. Free the bonus without deposit of $ 30 dollars and I paid then I made a larger deposit and continue the trade without any problem. Its platform I liked by its speed, also I can say that its attention to the client is very good and the verification of the user is very fast.


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Jan 3, 2017
Hello , I want say trading experience
About me : recently started working and have some $$$ saved up looking to invest in something with relativity high returns, willing to take the risk if its a "smart" gamble.
Now I've done some research about Ayrex Binary Options on this subreddit and a lot of the responses are generally going to the direction about how this is exactly like gambling and that I would essentially have more luck and possibly more fun if I took my money to the baccarat tables.
And now here I am pondering if its really worth it and if its not what are my other options? I have had some experience with stock markets as I used to work for an investment advisor, no experience with actual purchasing/selling stocks personally but I am quite familiar with technical analysis/chart trends which I think is the ultimate deciding factor in success with binary options .

It all begins with a simple click. I'm never get to see money as it suddenly disappears from I'm bank account and transfers into Ayrex Binary Options account, but a basic instinct of modernization tells i'm that that’s just the way credit cards work and that i'm money is indeed there. For the hard working middle class man, it’s never easy to let go of a few hundred dollars, especially when i'm a little unsure about the company i'm just given i'm money to. Letting go of the itchy feeling of insecurity is always the hardest step to make, but it is the first step into the exciting world of Ayrex Binary Options trading.

My trading experience:
start with initial deposit say $100, each position taken will be < 1% of capital most brokerage Ayrex offer a payout of 80% - 85% give or take, so with that I'm can calculate each position if I am correct I will gain about 80% - 85% in capital gains and if I am wrong I will lose initial deposit amount so I would need to be correct 2/3 positions taken to be "in the money".I need to focus on analyzing price charts up and down of the market, and it's important in that Ayrex binary trading is a lucky .
Mar 28, 2016
Dear Traders,

Nowadays there is a lot of ways to keep a mutually beneficial relationship with your broker and partnership program surely is one of them. Becoming a partner of Ayrex is very easy and profitable, if you have an audience and generally good with people.

Recently we have received a lot of questions about this program and made a short list of 10 the most interesting moments about it. If you would like to become our partner, this list is definitely worth checking!
  1. Our Partnership Program is based on the revenue share model.
  2. You will be working with one of the best platforms in the binary options industry.
  3. Every partner gets his own personal account, where you will find all the required information about your clients, commission data and promo materials.
  4. In the beginning partner is granted with the Default status (25%) and can move up to the Gold one with the 40% commission rate.
  5. After registration new partners receive a special bonus of $250 as a sign of appreciation and hope for the future cooperation.
  6. Your personal affiliate manager is ready to help 24/5 via email or Skype.
  7. Partner’s commission is calculated every week on Sunday.
  8. Withdrawals can be made in the partner’s account anytime, if it is verified by identity and address proofs.
  9. There is also a referral program, where you can earn even more by telling about us to other affiliates.
  10. Our clients have proved to be the best and the most loyal fellows, so you will be in a very good company!
If you feel ready to become our partner, your personal affiliate manager will be very glad to answer all your questions via partners@ayrex.com anytime!

Sincerely yours,
Ayrex Team.