Options are just a different market structure as TheLastBear simply stated. You can use money managment and obviously strategies range from incredibly accurate to incredibly stupid. The way binary options are pitched is really to collect all of the desperate 'dead money' that comes along which is sickening. If you don't have a extremely tried-and-true method of trading the currency exchange or futures markets you WILL loose all of your money in the long run and most likely the short run toying with options. Forex and futures in some ways have room for abit of a learning curve (you may enter the market in a bad spot but with the right analysis you can ride it out etc.) Options markets are simple the wolves know where and when to slauter the lambs.
Exactly. I think it is funny how people compare options to gambling or a computer system which you can't beat. In my opinion there is nothing to beat and it comes to strategy and knowledge. Of course you will never get 100% of you trades right, but nevertheless I started to use binary options and I am happy with it.