Company News by ForexMart

Andrea ForexMart

Master Trader
Jan 27, 2016
Free VPS Hosting from ForexMart

Avail VPS hosting from ForexMart today! Service is free for our clients. Experience a high speed, no reboots, unlimited usage for any purposes and a powerful server; online 24/7!

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Andrea ForexMart

Master Trader
Jan 27, 2016
Deposit Insurance - Protect Your Deposit with ForexMart

We want nothing but the best for all our clients – and that includes prioritizing your funds and interests.

ForexMart is a member of the Investor Compensation Fund, a fund conceived by the Section 17 of the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007, which states every Cypriot investment firm must be part of the Fund. Its main objective is to secure claims of the covered clients in the event the company in question fails to perform its obligations, specifically:

* Return the funds owed or belong to the covered client

* Turn over the financial instruments to the customer entrusted to the member firm.

The fund will pay the compensation for the affected client, subject to the existing legal and contractual terms. However, individuals with ongoing criminal proceedings are prohibited from making claims, as per Prevention and Suspension of the Legislation of Proceeds from Criminal Activities Law of 2007.

Compensation payable to the covered client will depend on the prevailing rules and company's books. It is computed by adding all the total established claims of the client against the firm, stemming from all the services rendered by the entity. As of present, the amount paid to the covered clients is €20,000.

Andrea ForexMart

Master Trader
Jan 27, 2016
Sluggish Growth of Japan Services Sector in May, New Orders Declined

Japan’s services sector activity rose at a sluggish pace in May than the previous month given the expansion of new orders at the slowest pace since September 2016, based on the private survey on Tuesday. This implies that the economy has lost its momentum in the second quarter.

However, the business confidence increased to the highest for four months in April as the companies launch new products to give way for the expected increases in the future demand.

The Markit/Nikkei Japan Services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) declined on a seasonally adjusted basis to 51.0 in May from 52.5 in April.

Moreover, there is a rising concern on the lesser demand conditions as new sales rising but at a subdued rate in 20 months, according to an economist at IHS Markit, Joe Hayes, who gathers the survey.

To sustain the business activity, firms started to clear the “backlogs of work”. High business activities dropped for the first time in the first five months of the year.

The composite PMI, which includes both manufacturing and services, decreased to 51.7 from 53.1 in April.

Japanese manufacturing activity rose in May at the slowest rate in seven months due to cooled down new orders based on the revised survey on Friday. This implies lesser domestic demand of the country. Hence, the economy weakened in the first quarter that ends the growth for eight consecutive quarters, which was the longest steady growth since the 1980s bubble economy.

Since the end of the first quarter, the negative outcome on factory data induced uncertainty on the rate of recovery by the economy.


Andrea ForexMart

Master Trader
Jan 27, 2016
SNB Keeps an Ultra Loose Monetary Policies

The Swiss National Bank announced the decision to maintain an ultra-loose monetary policy on Thursday and analysts expectations matched from the survey by Reuters giving a unanimous answer.

They reiterated the fragility or exchange rates after the strengthening of the Swiss franc in the past few weeks and began low this year.

At the same time, Chairman Thomas Jordan said that it would be too early to raise rates in Switzerland amid low inflation.

Another issue is the political uncertainty in Italy which will affect the eurozone in the future and it is important for the central bank to be heedful in this situation, according to an analyst.

Forty experts expect the SNB to maintain the target range to be 1.25 percent to minus 0.25 percent in three months on the offered rate of London Interbank, which has been the ongoing target for the past three-and-a-half years.

Also, they expect a negative interest rate of 0.75 percent deposits to be sustained where the commercial bank held a certain value as one of the important tools used by the bank.

Changes in the LIBOR target range is anticipated to happen soonest at the end of the year based on the UBS, while the median consensus deems to set at the end of next year.

Analyst of Credit Suisse initially thought the central bank to raise their rates as early as 2019 based on the economic strength of Switzerland, with a forecast growth of 2.2 percent this year.

The Global Head of Investment Strategy & Research at Credit Suisse Group AG, Nannette Hechler-Fayd’herbe said, “Our base case scenario is where the ECB is considering a first interest rate increase themselves by mid-2019, and the SNB could move a quarter before.” Connoting the reaffirmation of central bank’s decision. However, she added that these two would move together as they are ‘economically interlinked’.

Her expectation is a gradual increase of rates until it reached around 1.20 against the euro in a year.


Andrea ForexMart

Master Trader
Jan 27, 2016
NZ’s Negative Outlook on Business Confidence

The business confidence survey of New Zealand signifies a slowdown in the economy that could lead to the possibility for the RBNZ to reduce the official cash rate.

Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr is anticipated to maintain the OCR at 1.75 percent at tomorrow’s review. Yet today, the ANZ Business Outlook reported a drop in the confidence level back to the post-election lows. It added more doubt to the growth outlook, as well as, the course of interest rates.

There are various possible reasons that induce the decline in confidence, including uncertainty of the policies in the new government, global trade fiction and effect of Mycoplasma Bovis cattle disease.

The ASB anticipates slow progress in business confidence in the upcoming months, given the ubiquitous support to the NZ economy.

Yet, the longer business confidence continues to be low and more questions will be raised in the economic outlook. "An OCR cut cannot be ruled out if this persists.", they added.

The New Zealand kiwi decline based on the survey results about the low growth situation.

Firms surveyed on their expectations on business condition representing 39% of businesses in total believe to have a gloomy outlook in the next 12 months, as told by the ANZ Senior Economist, Liz Kendall.

Since June of 2017, business confidence is headed for a downturn given strong “headwind” of the economy, she added.

She described it as “expansionary” amid the steadfast consumer confidence giving support but the economy may continue to gently lose steam in the next months despite being substantiated by fiscal stimulus and high commodity prices.


Andrea ForexMart

Master Trader
Jan 27, 2016
Japan’s Industrial Output Dropped by 0.2% in May

Japan’s industrial output declined by 0.2 percent in May compared to the previous month, which is the first drop in four months, based on the government report on Friday.

The factory output was 104.4 in the seasonally adjusted index against the total of 100 in 2010, as reported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. Previously, the recorded data was 0.5 percent increase in April.

Forecast of the ministry on the industrial production remains slow.

Industrial shipments dropped to 101.4 by 1.6 percent compared to the increased inventories to 113.5 by 0.6 percent.

Manufacturer’s expected outcome is gaining 0.4 percent in June and 0.8 percent in July, as shown on the survey by the ministry.


Andrea ForexMart

Master Trader
Jan 27, 2016
South Korea’s Exports Declined in June

Exports from South Korea had fallen in June following a strong rebound in May amid issues on trade wars between Trump administration and China. While other major economies may weaken the Korean economy since it was dependent on trade.

Foreign shipments in June had declined to 0.1% versus the previous year to $51.23 billion, followed by a surge to 13.2% in the month ahead, based on the initial data released by the trade ministry on Sunday. The latest forecast showed a lower-than-median outlook for 1.5% drop. On the other hand, imports for June increased by 10.7% a year earlier to $44.91 billion, after the 12.7% growth in the past month.

The trade surplus tightened to $6.32 billion in June versus $6.55 billion a month earlier, while the median forecast showed $5.10 billion. The trade ministry partly blamed the sluggish June trade figures to lesser working days after the local elections this year and also mentioned that the rise in exports on the same month last year was because of the large shipbuilding contracts that offered a higher base for comparison and altered the data.


Andrea ForexMart

Master Trader
Jan 27, 2016

The current Money Fall contest has already started on July 9, 2018 and will end on July 13, 2018.

You can register for the next competition which will take place from July 16, 2018 to July 20, 2018


Registration for the next competition finishes 1 hour before the contest starts.



Jul 10, 2018
India Becomes 6th Largest Economy and Beat France


The World Bank issued the updated economic figures for previous year which showed that India held the sixth rank for the world’s largest economy and pushed France lower into the seventh spot. The gross domestic product (GDP) of India reached $2.597 trillion at the end of 2017 while France’s GDP amounted to $2.582 trillion.

The Indian economy had a strong rebound since July last year following the declines in the past quarters due to economic policies imposed by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi's administration. There are about 1.34 billion Indian citizens which would likely make India the world’s highest population against 67 million French inhabitants. This explains that India’s per capita GDP remains a portion of France which is approximately 20 times higher according to the World Bank.

The consumer and manufacturing expenditure served as the main drivers for India’s economy in 2017 after Modi’s demonetization program of large banknotes way back in 2016 as well as the unorganized new tax system of the country.

India was able to double its GDP in a span of a decade and anticipated to power ahead as Asia’s economic engine as China wind down. The International Monetary Fund stated that India is predicted to grow by 7.4 percent in the current year and 7.8 percent in 2019, supported by tax reform and household spending. This was compared to the world’s forecast average expansion of 3.9 percent.

The Centre for Economics and Business Research mentioned that India would likely beat the GDP of France and the United Kingdom at the end of 2017. The London-based consultancy further told that there is a modest chance for the Indian economy hit the third place for the world’s largest economy by 2032.

Last year, Britain was regarded to be the fifth biggest economy in the world with a GDP worth $2.622 trillion. Meanwhile, the United States hailed as the number one economy followed by China, Japan, and Germany.


Jul 4, 2018
Irish Economy to Reach Highest Growth in 2018


The economy of Ireland is projected to reach its highest record in 2018 based on the latest outlook of the European Commission. Ireland’s gross domestic product (GDP) is projected to expand by 5.6 percent this year and 4 percent in 2018, supported mainly by domestic demand.

Meanwhile, the estimate of the EU executive shows that eurozone GDP has the potential to increase by 2.1 percent, which is below the 2.3 percent forecast according to its May report.

Since Ireland is a very open economy, the country is potential to have revisions in the international taxation and trade environment. While the activities of multinational corporations could affect the headline GDP growth. In the near term, the commission expects that the domestic economic activity could possibly grow at a strong momentum.

In general, the commission reduced its predictions for the EU economic growth for this year because of trade adjustments due to increasing oil prices and tensions with the United States which drove the EU inflation higher.
There is an optimistic outlook for the whole year despite better trade with the United States. Forecasts were mostly taken prior to the United States raising their stakes through 10 percent tariffs on an extra $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, announced on Tuesday.

The worsening trade war has added uncertainty on the outlook that also affected the Chinese financial markets in the past few weeks.

With sluggish credit expansion and domestic demand ranging from government-funded infrastructure investment to consumer spending, China’s economy seems to be showing signs of struggle and weakening.

The huge export sector may add impact on tariffs with the U.S. giving 25 percent tariffs on $34 billion of Chinese imports on Friday, which then triggered Beijing for rapid retaliatory measures on the same amount of U.S. Chinese exports to China.

Moreover, the uncertainty caused by trade war pushed the corporate borrowing costs higher in reaction to soften the economic effect of a multi-year easing on riskier lending. More cash were accumulated through lesser reserve requirements for lenders three times this year.


Jul 10, 2018
Drop in Inflation Rate of Malaysia


The Annual inflation rate of Malaysia declined to 1.3 percent in June from 1.8 percent the month earlier due to the withdrawal of a goods and services tax based on the poll by Reuters.

A survey of ten analysts by Reuters forecast for June ranged from 0.6 percent to 1.9 percent. The central bank of Malaysia kept the interest rates at 3.25 percent at a policy meeting on July 11 despite sluggish inflation and steady growth.

The new government by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad starting May 9 general election abolished the consumption tax of 6 percent on June 1, which was implemented for three years.

According to economists, the elimination of goods and services tax affect the inflation and pushed it lower in June, despite the higher cost of transportation and food during the month of fasting in Ramadan and subsequent Eid al-Fitr celebrations.


Jul 4, 2018
The current contest has already started on July 16, 2018 and will end on July 20, 2018.

You can register for the next competition which will take place from July 23, 2018 to July 27, 2018 (Terminal time). .


Registration for the next competition finishes 1 hour before the contest starts.



Jul 4, 2018
The current Money Fall contest has already started on July 23, 2018 and will end on July 27, 2018.

You can register for the next competition which will take place from July 30, 2018 to August 3, 2018


Registration for the next competition finishes 1 hour before the contest starts.



Jul 4, 2018
The current Money Fall contest has already started on July 30, 2018 and will end on August 3, 2018.

You can register for the next competition which will take place from August 6, 2018 to August 10, 2018 (Terminal time). .


Registration for the next competition finishes 1 hour before the contest starts.



Jul 4, 2018
The current Money Fall contest has already started on August 6, 2018 and will end on August 10, 2018.

You can register for the next competition which will take place from August 13, 2018 to August 17, 2018


Registration for the next competition finishes 1 hour before the contest starts.



Jul 4, 2018
The current Money Fall contest has already started on February 25, 2019 and will end on March 1, 2019.

You can register for the next competition which will take place from March 4, 2019 to March 8, 2019 (Terminal time). .


Registration for the next competition finishes 1 hour before the contest starts.



Jul 4, 2018
Dear Clients,

We are glad to inform you about the new method of account replenishment using the China UnionPay system for traders from China.

At present CUP (China UnionPay) is the payment method of choice for most Chinese traders. It is also the only interbank network in China that links all ATM’s and banks throughout the country.

Now ForexMart provides the opportunity to use China UnionPay payment methods as an easy solution to provide individuals access to the global Forex markets.

Stay with Forexmart to get even more comfortable trading conditions for your incredible profit!

Sincerely yours,

ForexMart Team


Jul 4, 2018
Dear Clients,

We are glad to inform you, that traders from China can now use Alipay payment system to make deposit payments and withdrawals.

Forexmart cares about its clients and constantly improves the services to make your trading even more convenient and profitable.

Wish you good trading day,

ForexMart Team.


Jul 4, 2018
Dear clients,

ForexMart congratulates you on the coming day of Holy Easter and informs about some changes in the conditions of trade during the Good Friday (April 19th) and the Easter Monday (April 22d) in the USA and Europe.

The changes will not affect the trading hours for the main Forex products (although there may occur low liquidity during these days), but please note the impossibility of trading with Metals, US CFDs and UK CFDs.

Wish you a Happy Easter,

ForexMart team


Jul 4, 2018
Meet new ForexMart Ultra-low spread accounts!

Dear clients, ForexMart is constantly developing and works hard to provide you with the most comfortable and easy conditions of trade. So, now we are pleased to announce the launching of three new types of accounts with a floating spread – ForexMart Classic, ForexMart Pro and ForexMart Cent.

Our company strives to make your trading more profitable, so our new accounts have one of the lowest spreads in the Forex market today and the execution of orders has become much better and faster than before!

More information about the financial instruments available for trading on ForexMart accounts can be found here.

Stay tuned and good luck in trading,

ForexMart team