It is hard to say why that arrow appeared without seeing the input parameters active at that time.
for 2018 version of indicator I use :
false, false, 2,2 inputs because I use only for getting alert on ETV-PHLC-S signal. for everything else i use version 2017.
talking about latest version (2018) . I am talking about alert when price cross HL out of HL, lets call it PHLC-S( new alert that I asked for, 2018, S stands for structure). In both version MT4, MT5 I have to either to change TF or reopen platform in order to see alert in alert window. Again, alert appears but not instantly.
It has to be instantly for all signals: HL, PHLC, PHLC-S, Arrows, something is not right. please check.
no alert window, just graphic symbol appeared. to see it in alert window I had to change TF or reopen platform.
Currently, because of errors I use two indicators from 2017 latest and new one from 2018. Latest I use only for getting PHLC-S and all issues are related to that signal.
I mean which alert? Horizontal Line, Up/Down Arrows, or Previous Horizontal Line?
OK. but I Still think it should disappear by itself after user defined number of intervals. if you really need reminder
I don't think that it is a good idea. The usefulness of the chart object alerts is that a trader can easily track as they appeared in the past. A simple way for you to clear the chart of them is to reinitialize the indicator - double-click some ETV line and click OK.
Yes. and signals must be different: ETV-PHLC is when price cross HL itself ( like in version 2017) and ETV-PHLC-S when price cross HL out of HL ( new signal, 2018). Time stamp is meaningless in this case. need small, clear information in alert window, easy to spot and read.
So, do I understand it correctly that you want me to make it so the alerts are of the following formats?
ETV-PHLC CurrencyPair @ TimeFrame becauseit doesnt show currency, time frame
ETV-PHLC-S CurrencyPair @ TimeFrame

ETV-PHLC CurrencyPair @ TimeFrame no need because in column 2 of alert window it is shown: indicator, currency, time frame
ETV-PHLC-S CurrencyPair @ TimeFrame no need because in column 2 of alert window it is shown: indicator, currency, time frame
If you have better, different idea, please do so, just no time stamp in any case
There are two cases when price cross HL: it cross horizontal line itself (version 2017) and has signal ETV-PHLC
Price cross HL out of horizontal line (2018) and that is completely different signal ETV-PHLC-S. This signal has to have its own true/false.
No need graphic symbol for ETV-PHLC. ned graphic symbol just for ETV-PHLC-S.
I want to have same input window as in 2017 version , that has to stay same,
just add new signal with its parameters/inputs (
NumberPHLtoTrack) for new signal ETV-PHLC-S. this signal is only thing we added to 2017 version
everything else stay same: ETV-HL with true/ false and ETV-PHLC with true/false and
ETV-AD/AU with its true/false . for unknown reason you are creating new inputs, removing existing. No.
so point of this parameter
NumberPHLtoTrack is to give control over new signal ETV-PHLC-S with true/false and how many past HL is monitored for crosses that gives ETV-PHLC-S Signal.
What is the point of this parameter if there is NumberPHLtoTrack, which can be set to 0?
I was talking about ETV-PHLC and ETV-PHLC-S signals: price must cross HL. I noticed that sometime I get signal even when HL is same as close of the bar,
open and close of bar must be on opposite sides of HL (cross) to get signal.
Also alert window did not pop up when graphic signal appeared.
I don't understand it, sorry. Are you talking about PHLC alerts or HL alerts?
All issues in
post #90 are same :
pic1: as mentioned I use false, false 2,2 input. so why is that arrow there?
pic2: already explained: has to stay same input window, just add input for new ETV-PHLC-S signal.
pic3: arrows on pic are still after 20h. it must be way of control
Please correct all above...Issues are same for MT4/MT5.
version 2017 has to be upgraded with ETV-PHLC-S, not to completely change.
I would like to have only one indicator : upgraded 2017 version as mentioned above.
Thank you.