i have change to many brokers for past years. back in time where all brokers only served at 4 digits price market, now we have 5 digits price brokers, and all brokers does this way.
i keep the pace and change brokers company, just try to keep survive my trading by put my investment in the right company. later on we all served with stp ECN brokers type, this where i also move into ecn account with several brokers. I am now more prefer to use ECN brokers, as my current micro ECN account are with Armada markets, 0.01 starting lot, deposit minimum are 300 usd for ecn type. what i do like from them is the low spread given, typically 0.7 - 0.8 pips on EURUSD including commision.
i keep the pace and change brokers company, just try to keep survive my trading by put my investment in the right company. later on we all served with stp ECN brokers type, this where i also move into ecn account with several brokers. I am now more prefer to use ECN brokers, as my current micro ECN account are with Armada markets, 0.01 starting lot, deposit minimum are 300 usd for ecn type. what i do like from them is the low spread given, typically 0.7 - 0.8 pips on EURUSD including commision.