fourth week update...... do not , everyone thats been around awhile will agree with me, do not read anything into 4 weeks results.....
or 5 weeks for that matter......h
has it really been 4 weeks..... yep, seems as though...... dang..... time flies......
minimum wage..... here locally it's 7.25 an hour..... roughly 50$ a day..... 250$ a week..... 1000 a month...... we made it.......
so what now...... how do we improve,,,,,
imagine a profitable system that bought or sold when the 33 moving average crossed the 50 moving average.... we might think by using 32 would improve results because it's quicker to cross.... what about 31.... or 30.... or or or.....
even thought it seems plausible, it's rarely the case in the long run..... odds are simply changing from a rsi periods from 14 to 13 will not make more..... nor will moving overbought/oversold values on oscillators by 1...... there is a better chance a small parameter change it will turn the winning system into a losing one.....
so what now...... how do we improve...... or is 7.25 a hour enough......h