Hah, I'll top that -
Making money is easy - pay me $10,000 and I'll show you how it's done. The new trader pays up for the magic ecourse and Two weeks later, he gets a mail with the following message "Claim you are a (insert niche/market) guru, tell everyone that it is easy to make money, get them to give you their $$$$, hightail out of there and after 2 weeks, send them a mail listing the process.."
Moral of the story: If it is too easy, it just isn't worth your time..
Making money is easy - pay me $10,000 and I'll show you how it's done. The new trader pays up for the magic ecourse and Two weeks later, he gets a mail with the following message "Claim you are a (insert niche/market) guru, tell everyone that it is easy to make money, get them to give you their $$$$, hightail out of there and after 2 weeks, send them a mail listing the process.."
Moral of the story: If it is too easy, it just isn't worth your time..