ObjectCreate(0,"Buy",OBJ_BUTTON,0,0,0); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,10); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_XSIZE,200); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,50); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_YSIZE,40); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_CORNER,0); ObjectSetString(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Buy"); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_BGCOLOR,clrAqua); //----
Yeah, that's because the first parameter should be the chart window number (zero = main), not the symbol. It probably worked fine for other symbols because they didn't contain any numbers in their names, so the string got converted to 0. Your futures symbol's name contains a number, and it got converted to that number, failing to create an object at the chart window 6 or something.had been having trouble getting buttons to display on currency futures..... thought at first it might have to do with them beginning with a number..... "6E_U"..... never pursued that thought.....
turns out my code which has always worked might not be entirely correct...... always used _Symbol before ......
that works on everything but currency futures...... on futures it returned error 4101, chart id error......
turns out ObjectCreate(0,"Buy",OBJ_BUTTON,0,0,0); works better......
mq5 seems to like that better.......h
MQL5:ObjectCreate(0,"Buy",OBJ_BUTTON,0,0,0); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,10); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_XSIZE,200); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,50); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_YSIZE,40); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_CORNER,0); ObjectSetString(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Buy"); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_BGCOLOR,clrAqua); //----
View attachment 29053
#include//----- need this include CTrade trade;
void closingall() //----- closes or deletes all symbols...... all type orders..... { for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { ulong ticket = PositionGetTicket(i); trade.PositionClose(ticket); } //---- for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { ulong tickets = OrderGetTicket(i); trade.OrderDelete(tickets); } }
double symprofit() //----- chart symbol profit only { double profit = 0.0; //----- use AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_PROFIT) for total account profit for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { if(PositionGetSymbol(i) != _Symbol) continue; profit += PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PROFIT); } return(profit); }
void OnChartEvent(const int id,const long &lparam,const double &dparam,const string &sparam) { double target = 0; double points = 500; double pnts = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_POINT); if((_Symbol == "YM_U") || (_Symbol == "YMU24")) {target = 500; points = 10*pnts;} // 0 digits 5*30 == 150 10 is 10 full points if((_Symbol == "ES_U") || (_Symbol == "EPU24")) {target = 1000; points = 100*pnts;} // 2 digits 500 is 5 full points if((_Symbol == "NQ_U") || (_Symbol == "ENQU24")) {target = 5000; points = 500*pnts;} // 2 didgits 500 is 5 full points if((_Symbol == "RTY_U") || (_Symbol == "RTYU24")) {target = 100; points = 40*pnts;} // 1 digits 100 is 10 full points if((_Symbol == "FDAX_U")) {target = 300; points = 300*pnts;} if((_Symbol == "FEXU_U")) {target = 200; points = 200*pnts;} if((_Symbol == "6A_U")) {target = 500*pnts; points = 500*pnts;} // audusd if((_Symbol == "6E_U")) {target = 500*pnts; points = 500*pnts;} // eurusd if((_Symbol == "6B_U")) {target = 500*pnts; points = 500*pnts;} // gbpusd if((_Symbol == "6C_U")) {target = 500*pnts; points = 500*pnts;} // usdcad if((_Symbol == "6N_U")) {target = 500*pnts; points = 500*pnts;} // nzdusd //---- ag if((_Symbol == "ZC_U")) {target = 300*pnts; points = 300*pnts;} // corn 375.75 if((_Symbol == "ZM_Z")) {target = 100*pnts; points = 100*pnts;} // soybean meal 308.6 if((_Symbol == "ZS_X")) {target = 5000*pnts; points = 5000*pnts;} // soybeans 976.55 if((_Symbol == "ZL_Z")) {target = 300*pnts; points = 300*pnts;} // soybean oil 39.38 if((_Symbol == "KE_U")) {target = 3000*pnts; points = 3000*pnts;} // hard red wheat 548.95 // SymbolInfoInteger(Symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS); if(id==CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK) { if(sparam == "Buy") { Alert(sparam+ " was pressed on "+_Symbol +" with target of "+ DoubleToString(target,0)); trade.Buy(contracts,NULL,Ask,Ask-target,Ask+target,NULL); } if(sparam == "Buy Limit") { Alert(sparam+ " was pressed on "+_Symbol +" with target of "+ DoubleToString(target,0)); trade.BuyLimit(contracts,Ask-points,NULL,(Ask-points-target),(Ask-points+target),ORDER_TIME_GTC,0,0); } if(sparam == "Buy Stop") { Alert(sparam+ " was pressed on "+_Symbol +" with target of "+ DoubleToString(target,0)); trade.BuyStop(contracts,Ask+points,NULL,(Ask+points-target),(Ask+points+target),ORDER_TIME_GTC,0,0); } if(sparam == "Sell") { Alert(sparam+ " was pressed on "+_Symbol +" with target of "+ DoubleToString(target,0)); trade.Sell(contracts,NULL,Bid,(Bid+target),(Bid-target),NULL); } if(sparam == "Sell Limit") { Alert(sparam+ " was pressed on "+_Symbol +" with target of "+ DoubleToString(target,0)); trade.SellLimit(contracts,Bid+points,NULL,(Bid+target+points),(Bid+points-target),ORDER_TIME_DAY,0,0); } if(sparam == "Sell Stop") { Alert(sparam+ " was pressed on "+_Symbol +" with target of "+ DoubleToString(target,0)); trade.SellStop(contracts,Bid-points,NULL,(Bid-points+target),(Bid-points-target),ORDER_TIME_DAY,0,0); } //------ if(sparam == "Close") { Alert(sparam+ " was pressed on "+_Symbol +" with target of "+ DoubleToString(target,0)); closing(); closing(); closing(); } if(sparam == "Close All") { Alert(sparam+ " was pressed on "+_Symbol +" with target of "+ DoubleToString(target,0)); closingall(); closingall(); closingall(); } } }
//------ void closing() //----- closes or deletes chart symbol only ...... { for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { ulong ticket = PositionGetTicket(i); if(PositionGetSymbol(i) != _Symbol) continue; if(PositionGetSymbol(i) == _Symbol) { trade.PositionClose(ticket); } } //---- for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { ulong tickets = OrderGetTicket(i); if(OrderGetString(ORDER_SYMBOL) != _Symbol) continue; if(OrderGetString(ORDER_SYMBOL) == _Symbol) { trade.OrderDelete(tickets); } } }
int OnInit() { //--- ObjectCreate(0,"Buy",OBJ_BUTTON,0,0,0); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,10); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_XSIZE,200); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,50); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_YSIZE,40); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_CORNER,0); ObjectSetString(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Buy"); ObjectSetInteger(0,"Buy",OBJPROP_BGCOLOR,clrAqua); //---- //--- return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); }
Display("total"+ shortname, (1550),(50)); // 1375 ObjectSetText("total"+ shortname, DoubleToString(cnts,0)+" "+ DoubleToString(cnt,0), 10, "Verdana", clrYellow); Display("marginrequired"+ shortname, (1700),(1)); // 1375 ObjectSetText("marginrequired"+ shortname, "margin required is "+DoubleToString(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL),0), 10, "Verdana", clrYellow); Display("digits tv"+ shortname, (1700),(25)); // 1375 ObjectSetText("digits tv"+ shortname, "tick value is "+DoubleToString(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE),2), 10, "Verdana", clrYellow); Display("tick size"+ shortname, (1700),(50)); // 1375 ObjectSetText("tick size"+ shortname, "tick size is "+DoubleToString(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE),2), 10, "Verdana", clrYellow); Display("point value"+ shortname, (1700),(75)); // 1375 ObjectSetText("point value"+ shortname, "point value is "+DoubleToString( ((1/SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE)) * SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE)),2) , 10, "Verdana", clrYellow); double range = ((iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0))); double atr = 0.0; if(_Symbol == "YM_U") {atr = 568;} if(_Symbol == "ES_U") {atr = 90;} if(_Symbol == "NQ_U") {atr = 480;} if(_Symbol == "RTY_U") {atr = 50;} double dailyatrvalue = atr*((1/SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE)) * SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE)); Display("daily atr"+ shortname, (1700),(100)); // 1375 ObjectSetText("daily atr"+ shortname, "daily atr is "+DoubleToString(atr,0)+" "+DoubleToString(range,0), 10, "Verdana", clrYellow); Display("daily atr value"+ shortname, (1700),(125)); // 1375 ObjectSetText("daily atr value"+ shortname, "daily atr value is "+DoubleToString( dailyatrvalue,0), 10, "Verdana", clrYellow);
bool NewBar() { static datetime previous = 0; datetime current = iTime(_Symbol,PERIOD_M1,0); if(previous!=current) { previous = current; return(true); } return(false); }
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[], const double &high[], const double &low[], const double &close[], const long &tick_volume[], const long &volume[], const int &spread[]) { if(NewBar() || weekend) { //---- //---- } // if(NewBar) return rates_total; }
string symbol[] = {"YM_U","ES_U","NQ_U","RTY_U","GC_V","","","6A_U","6B_U","6C_U","6E_U","6J_U","6N_U","6S_U","","","KE_U","ZC_U","ZL_Z","ZM_Z","ZS_X","BZ_U","CL_U","CL_V","HO_U","NG_U","RB_U","HE_U","LE_U","HG_U","PL_U","SL_U","ZN_U"}; // ,"","","","","","","","","" int OnInit() { IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME, shortname); int syms = ArraySize(symbol); for(int y = 0; y < syms; y++) { Display(symbol[y], -100, 100+(y*50)); ObjectSetText(symbol[y] , symbol[y], 10, "Verdana", clrAqua); } return INIT_SUCCEEDED; }
//------ double a = 0.0; double b = 0.0; double c = 0.0; for(int n=0; n<100; n++) // i<100 { if(zigs[n]!=0.0) { c = b; b = a; a = zigs[n]; if(c>0) break; n++; } } string zztxt = "dn"; color zzclr = clrMagenta; if(c > b) { zztxt = "up"; zzclr = clrAqua; } Display("zig "+ shortname+ " "+ IntegerToString(x) + " "+symbol[m] , 4100+(x*100), 100+(m*50)); ObjectSetText("zig "+ shortname+ " "+ IntegerToString(x) + " "+symbol[m], zztxt, 10, "Verdana", zzclr);
case 0: return(PERIOD_CURRENT); case 1: return(PERIOD_M1); case 5: return(PERIOD_M5); case 15: return(PERIOD_M15); case 30: return(PERIOD_M30); case 60: return(PERIOD_H1); case 240: return(PERIOD_H4); case 1440: return(PERIOD_D1); case 10080: return(PERIOD_W1); case 43200: return(PERIOD_MN1); case 2: return(PERIOD_M2); case 3: return(PERIOD_M3); case 4: return(PERIOD_M4); case 6: return(PERIOD_M6); case 10: return(PERIOD_M10); case 12: return(PERIOD_M12); case 16385: return(PERIOD_H1); // above period m30 returns case 16386: return(PERIOD_H2); case 16387: return(PERIOD_H3); case 16388: return(PERIOD_H4); case 16390: return(PERIOD_H6); case 16392: return(PERIOD_H8); case 16396: return(PERIOD_H12); case 16408: return(PERIOD_D1); case 32769: return(PERIOD_W1); case 49153: return(PERIOD_MN1);
int signal[30][14][20]; // [symbol][time][indi] ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TF[] = {PERIOD_M1, PERIOD_M2, PERIOD_M3, PERIOD_M4, PERIOD_M5, PERIOD_M6, PERIOD_M10, PERIOD_M12, PERIOD_M15, PERIOD_M20, PERIOD_M30, PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H4, PERIOD_D1}; //PERIOD_H1 //----- //---- for(int s = 0; s < 30; s++) // s for symbol { for(int t = 0; t < 14; t++) // t for time { for(int u = 0; u < 7; u++) // u for signal { if(u==0) // zigzag { if(signal[s][t][7 ] == 0) {Print(symbol[s]+" "+TF[t]+" "+ind[u]+" zigzag up");} else {Print(symbol[s]+" "+TF[t]+" "+ind[u]+" zigzag dn");} } } } }
In MQL5,does not appear to affect anything negatively, but when printing timeframes returns unexpected results.....h
Code:case 0: return(PERIOD_CURRENT); case 1: return(PERIOD_M1); case 5: return(PERIOD_M5); case 15: return(PERIOD_M15); case 30: return(PERIOD_M30); case 60: return(PERIOD_H1); case 240: return(PERIOD_H4); case 1440: return(PERIOD_D1); case 10080: return(PERIOD_W1); case 43200: return(PERIOD_MN1); case 2: return(PERIOD_M2); case 3: return(PERIOD_M3); case 4: return(PERIOD_M4); case 6: return(PERIOD_M6); case 10: return(PERIOD_M10); case 12: return(PERIOD_M12); case 16385: return(PERIOD_H1); // above period m30 returns case 16386: return(PERIOD_H2); case 16387: return(PERIOD_H3); case 16388: return(PERIOD_H4); case 16390: return(PERIOD_H6); case 16392: return(PERIOD_H8); case 16396: return(PERIOD_H12); case 16408: return(PERIOD_D1); case 32769: return(PERIOD_W1); case 49153: return(PERIOD_MN1);
elements don't have their int values equal the number of minutes in the respective timeframe. It's just a numeral for ordering timeframes. That doesn't change much - you just now have to use PeriodSeconds()
to convert a timeframe to time.//-----In MQL5,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES
elements don't have their int values equal the number of minutes in the respective timeframe. It's just a numeral for ordering timeframes. That doesn't change much - you just now have to usePeriodSeconds()
to convert a timeframe to time.
//----- #include#include CTrade trade; CPositionInfo m_position; // object of CPositionInfo class COrderInfo m_order; // object of COrderInfo class double Ask,Bid,high,low; input int contracts = 1; input double profit = 1000; input double dailytarget = 2000; input bool trailingstophighlow = false; input bool trailingpsar = false; input bool trailingstopma = false; input ulong magicnumber = 7000; // magicnumber input int periods = 20; //--------- int OnInit() { //--- trade.SetExpertMagicNumber(magicnumber); // used to set trades magicnumber sent by other functions //------- //--- return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } //------ on tick code void OnTick() { //--- Ask = NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK),_Digits); Bid = NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID),_Digits); high = NormalizeDouble(iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_M15,1),_Digits); low = NormalizeDouble(iLow(NULL,PERIOD_M15,1),_Digits); double mas[]; int ma = iMA(NULL,PERIOD_CURRENT,periods,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE); ArraySetAsSeries(mas,true); CopyBuffer(ma,0,0,3,mas); //------ if(trailingstopma && (mas[0] > 0.0)) { trailingstopma(mas[0]); } //---- //---- } //------- just the function itself void trailingstopma(double ma) // { double newstoploss = NormalizeDouble(ma,_Digits); for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { string symbol = PositionGetSymbol(i); ulong pm = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC); if((_Symbol == symbol) && (pm == magicnumber)) { if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) { ulong ticket = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET); double currentstoploss = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL); if(currentstoploss < ma) { trade.PositionModify(ticket,newstoploss,0); } } if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == ORDER_TYPE_SELL) { ulong ticket = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET); double currentstoploss = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL); if(currentstoploss > ma) { trade.PositionModify(ticket,newstoploss,0); } } } } }
Ask = NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK),_Digits); Bid = NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID),_Digits); high = NormalizeDouble(iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_M15,1),_Digits); low = NormalizeDouble(iLow(NULL,PERIOD_M15,1),_Digits); double mas[]; int ma = iMA(NULL,PERIOD_CURRENT,periods,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE); ArraySetAsSeries(mas,true); CopyBuffer(ma,0,0,3,mas); double psars[]; int psar = iSAR(NULL,PERIOD_CURRENT,0.01,0.2); ArraySetAsSeries(psars,true); CopyBuffer(psar,0,0,3,psars); if( NewBar()) { if(trailingstophighlow) { if(Ask > low) { trailingstopbuy(low); } if(Bid < high) { trailingstopsell(high); } } //------ if(trailingstopma && (mas[0] > 0.0)) { trailingma(mas[0]); } //------ if(trailingstoppsar && (psars[0] > 0.0)) { trailingpsar(psars[0]); } } //---- //---- //------- //------- void trailingpsar(double psar) // { double newstoploss = NormalizeDouble(psar,_Digits); for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { string symbol = PositionGetSymbol(i); ulong pm = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC); if((_Symbol == symbol) && (pm == magicnumber)) { if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) { ulong ticket = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET); double currentstoploss = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL); if(currentstoploss < psar) { trade.PositionModify(ticket,newstoploss,0); } } if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == ORDER_TYPE_SELL) { ulong ticket = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET); double currentstoploss = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL); if(currentstoploss > psar) { trade.PositionModify(ticket,newstoploss,0); } } } } } bool NewBar() { static datetime previous = 0; datetime current = iTime(_Symbol,PERIOD_M1,0); if(previous!=current) { previous = current; return(true); } return(false); }