I Tried
Because when you are watching multiple charts in multiple timeframes on multiple monitors like I am it's hassle I can do without.
Besides, if you have other information and or indicators displayed quite often there is simply no where to move to.
It also helps provide a cleaner chart space - You just don't need it constantly in your face. Even the three lines I move off screen when I am not using the indi.
Just opened my MetaEditor to see if I could figure it out myself.
Compared my BetSize Indi with BetterVolume Indi and I was sure I had it sassed out.
Line 13 #property indicator_chart_window change to #property indicator_separate_window (as seen on line 8 BetterVolume)
It SHOULD have worked BUT it didn't - for whatever reason - Yes I even tried closing and re-opening the MT4
I still can't believe MY change of code didn't work - another sleepless night
My only hope now is for other members to join this conversation and add support for a SEPARATE window
Would you Adam and Eve it
Whilst writing this message the separate window
HAS opened
BUT the indi is still on the main window
I also looked into using ScaleFix to move the chart -
NO - it doesn't work - sorry
Yes the chart moves
BUT not of any use
Separate Window
IS the way forward