//if ((Execution_Mode == SYMBOL_TRADE_EXECUTION_MARKET) && (sets.EntryType == Instant) && (ticket != -1) && ((sl != 0) || (tp != 0)))
// if (!OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET))
// {
// Print("Failed to find the order to apply SL/TP.");
// isOrderPlacementFailing = true;
// break;
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// {
// if ((tp != 0) && (((tp <= OrderOpenPrice()) && (ot == OP_BUY)) || ((tp >= OrderOpenPrice()) && (ot == OP_SELL)))) tp = 0; // Do not apply TP if it is invald. SL will still be applied.
// bool result = OrderModify(ticket, OrderOpenPrice(), sl, tp, OrderExpiration());
// if (result)
// {
// break;
// }
// else
// {
// Print("Error modifying the order: ", GetLastError());
// isOrderPlacementFailing = true;
// }
// }