I've been having an issue with both the original MT5 Position Size Calculator indicator, and now the Position Sizer EA. It worked great with my 5%ers Broker and my EightCap for a year, then about a month ago it stopped working on The5%ers, giving me "unknown retcode 16" error, where it wouldn't send the trade at market. It would send a pending order. So I downloaded the new Position Sizer EA and it worked for a day, then stopped working. So I updated it last week. It worked on Friday, but today I'm back to the same error code, only now I have the same issue on Eightcap. It seems like each time I download a new version it only works for a day or two before it stops sending the market orders and gives me the "retcode 16" error. I've checked with my broker and they don't see any issues on their end.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?