3. What are the main challenges/obstacles to you achieving these goals?
Challenge/Obstacle 1: Although it hasn't happened to me yet, seeing a trade that was in profit say greater than 300 pips then turn around and get stopped at breakeven.
Challenge/Obstacle 2: Getting tricked by the market when a lower time frame (not anchor time frame) reversal bar prints and I close my trade early thinking the run is over. Then watching as the trade just keeps on going in my original direction without me.
Thanks again for this post VictorFX. You know exactly what you are doing. The challenge now is simply to implement it.
As with everything in trading, how you cope with the above is a matter of personality.
I talk at length in the
ebook about how leverage and position size is entirely a matter for personal preference.
Different degrees affect
different people in
different ways.
There is no one-size-fits-all.
The same comes for taking profits.
I would count myself as quite conservative when it comes to position size. But I would count myself as quite aggressive when it comes to targets. I like to aim big
This AUD/CAD trade I am in now was about 80 pips up and has retraced about half of that. That will make some people run around with their underpants on their heads screaming about the horrific losses. If this trade gets stopped out at breakeven I will hardly even notice, because I am aiming for much more.
However, if you are really struggling to let winners run, I would encourage you to at least allow
part of the position really run far on the anchor-timeframe.
Say for instance you are really struggling, you have taken a few losses, and you are feeling the heat. Your account is in need of some equity.
Close out
part of the winning position, enough to allow you not to be emotionally destroyed if the trade gets stopped out at breakeven, and then forget about the rest of it. You are going to manage it on your anchor timeframe, and if it gets stopped out at B/E, that's fine.
With PAST, I'm not trying here to prescribe a set of rules that if you follow you will see success. I am describing a
set of tools, a
framework, within which you control risk tightly and aim for healthy and sustainable returns. If that means you close out part of a winner so you can sleep, no sweat.
The only thing you have to be able to do is to be happy that you gave that trade every opportunity to fulfil its full profit potential, which is so often so much bigger than traders realise. If do that, and you keep your losers small, you will see your edge develop. It will become clear in your stats.
-10, -10, -20, 0, -15, 0, +150, -25, 0, 0, 0, -10, -5, -20, -20, 0, -10, 0, +250, -10, -20, 0 etc, etc
You then begin to naturally progress from wanting to close profitable trades all the time to wanting to keep them open. Then you're over the hump