Hi folks
Having been through Nigel's video course I wanted to share the following with you all who are interested. One of the chapters in the course that I found particularly interesting was the chapters on expectancy. The calculator that Nigel provides with the course is great but I wanted to make something where it would tie into my own trade log.
I have created the attached spreadsheet which includes Nigel's 'Expectancy calculator' and 'In a Row' calculator where everything is automatically calculated for you as you log your trades in a simple trading journal.
Instructions for using this are as follows:
Column A - simply the number of your trade in sequence, ie. 1, 2, 3, 4 etc
Column B - Pair -EURUSD etc
Column C - Enter whether it is a buy or a sell.
Column D - Anchor Timeframe - A note of the timeframe where you spotted the PA signal
Column E - Risk % the % of your account balance you are risking on the trade
Column F - Risk £ the amount in money you are risking on the trade (please note the number needs to be a positive number)
Column G - How you actually entered the trade was it a break/retest or something else.
Column H - The finishing result of the trade Win(W), Loss(L), Break Even(BE). Please note you need to enter W or L or BE in this column for some formulas to work.
Column I - The amount you earn when the trade is closed fully.
Everything else is calculated automatically for you.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ac8gw71f2kz64g/PAST log Blank.xlsx?dl=0
Hope some of you find this useful.