Refund Policy
There is no perfection in services online, and when funding is involved, we believe that the merchant should have a transparent refund policy. Solid ECN Securities acknowledges customer rights, and for that reason, we drafted the Solid-Refund policy. There are circumstances when it is essential to return payment. Clients may submit a refund petition if the merchant service was not as described or the service was not functional or if the client justifies the reason.
We tried to make the money return policy concise, simple, and clear to give our customers a feeling of security. That is why we guarantee our services, and if it wasn’t as described the consumer has the right to apply for a money return.
We tried to make the money return policy concise, simple, and clear to give our customers a feeling of security. That is why we guarantee our services, and if it wasn’t as described the consumer has the right to apply for a money return.