Trading books are written by failed traders

There are 20,000 trading books , all books are written by authors , they are not written by traders.The truth is trading books are written by failed traders, .a search on google will show 95% of traders lose, the figure is more likely to be over 99%. Buying any books is for beginners and learners, traders trade, they don't write books.

Real traders trade , they learn in the market , the market teaches them real trading. Fake charlatans write books and fictional stories about trading , it is all about selling a good book. Real traders make money from the markets , not by selling books .

Most authors do not know how to make money from trading.They failed at trading , so they wrote a book.There is so much misinformation on forums, books and internet sites.

An author can not sell a book , if he told the truth , that 95 % of all trend traders lose.Why would anyone buy books on trend trading, if 99 % the true figure is hidden by all trading industry benefactors.
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Ary Barroso

Active Trader
Jul 9, 2017
There are 20,000 trading books , all books are written by authors , they are not written by traders.The truth is trading books are written by failed traders, .a search on google will show 95% of traders lose, the figure is more likely to be over 99%. Buying any books is for beginners and learners, traders trade, they don't write books.

Real traders trade , they learn in the market , the market teaches them real trading. Fake charlatans write books and fictional stories about trading , it is all about selling a good book. Real traders make money from the markets , not by selling books .

Most authors do not know how to make money from trading.They failed at trading , so they wrote a book.There is so much misinformation on forums, books and internet sites.

An author can not sell a book , if he told the truth , that 95 % of all trend traders lose.Why would anyone buy books on trend trading, if 99 % the true figure is hidden by all trading industry benefactors.

Very helpful thread; it’s a long list! Thanks a lot; in the weekend I’ll spend my time with these trading eBooks for sure.
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Most trading educators, authors and signal providers are quacks , they failed at trading.There is a lot of good stuff out there, but unfortunately 99.9% is garbage.It is virtually impossible task for the little man to be successful, one has to experience and understand profitable trading The industry is the blind leading the blind.Those who failed write books,teach,coach,sell seminars,signals and generally breed the failures of tomorrow.Those who can do, those who can't teach,write books,sell, educate and sell maps of technical analysis..Those who can trade,trade!Those who know nought are gurus to the new failures of tomorrow.These people mislead ea developers.We have industry of >98 % failures, they don't know how to trade, never traded profitably, these failures made money from selling books, signals,educationalist courses,trading seminars,trading advice,selling eas, tools,software, pretending to be traders and stooges for bucket shops, they are teaching how to trade profitably, when they don't know how.


Jul 18, 2018
Both Financial as well as Technical analysis is required to writing anything in trading or it comes on experience. not necessary all are loser may be they are expert have too much experience so they writing or guiding new trader..
Both Financial as well as Technical analysis is required to writing anything in trading or it comes on experience. not necessary all are loser may be they are expert have too much experience so they writing or guiding new trader..

They need to sell their experience and knowledge of failed traders , to new failures of tomorrow.

Successful traders are non existent , so most of the education is by the blind leading the leading.Most traders who get educated on books from failures / amateurs usually fail.

Show everybody, you are a successful trader from books.All the nonsense amateur education will need to be unlearned.


Nov 26, 2018
They still try to make money from trading, just in a different way. Selling what they don't understand. But it's not something new. A lot of books are written by the people who have failed, but they just make money by selling stuff.
They still try to make money from trading, just in a different way. Selling what they don't understand. But it's not something new. A lot of books are written by the people who have failed, but they just make money by selling stuff.

The trading industry is essentially the blind leading the blind.
You can learn the basics of trading from a book, but you can also learn it for free at many places on the internet.

You can't learn profitable trading from books, because those who write books are all failed traders.
What, every single one?
So no trading book is worth reading?

No trading book is written by profitable trader , it is written by writers suffering from the dunning kruger effect.

In the field of psychology, the DunningKruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability(writers) have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is.

it's from George Bernard Shaw's Maxims for Revolutionists. The quote is “He who can does; he who cannot, teaches through books” It is also a line in his play Man and Superman: “Don't listen to her Bob. Remember those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

Ervin Samue

Dec 14, 2018
San Francisco
My opinion:
  1. Before you continue, you must know the truth about Forex trading.
  2. There are different ways to profit from the markets
  3. Forex trading is hard work, A book can't show you strategy to success.


Feb 5, 2019
I am always supporting reading books. On Forex market education is very important but in combination with practice. I never disregard any new trading idea that I read in books because I think that every idea is worth at least testing and only after that disregarding it as “ it won’t work for me”


Active Trader
Dec 26, 2018
I also believe that there are some serious things like strategies that you can never learn from a book. There are several ways of making money in any market. So, the people selling trading books are also just exploring other options of making money through forex without necessarily trading.