the same term, copy trading, can have a slightly different point..... one involving you and your accounts alone......
the goal in this case is to copy your own trades across your own accounts with different brokers using different platforms.....
tradovate, topstepx and other major platforms have completely free onboard trade copiers..... those are quite convenient.....
if the difficulty managing a single accounts trades could be considered x, managing two accounts would be far more than 2x..... with more and more the difficulty is almost parabolic.....
apex allows 20 accounts max, topstepx allows 5..... i truly doubt anyone could day trade 25 accounts individually..... especially when different platforms are involved..... if you could hold trades for weeks or months, maybe it could be done...... but many futures accounts are day trade only.....
platform included trade copiers help in this case..... they have limitations you must be aware of..... they are not set and forget..... be sure to verify all trades have closed and no pending orders are left at the end of the day....
of course many will wonder why have 25 accounts in the first place..... that's a good question......
there is a good reason..... which is why tradovate, topstepx amd others have free onboard trade copiers......
again, be sure to verify all trades have closed and no pending orders are left at the end of the day....
they are not set and forget.....h