The reason why many new traders want to quit trading is most likely due to huge losses along with promising rags to riches within the end of the week. However, more often than not this is the exact period where you learn some of the most important lessons as a forex trader.
Yes in fact, risk in forex trading is always there and never vanish forever, and to become profitable trader is not easy indeed, might some trader already get easiness to understand with forex and making profit easier than us, so never give up is good attitude in all business included forexForex trading is a risky business so none can learn it in few months. To be expert in Forex trading, once need good experience and skills so do not give up before you learn Forex well.
But forex need patience, might in trading we hope will getting big profit with take higher risk, but not always we can analyze trend market and timing to open and close is not easy, loss also part in trading and about money management is very importantI believe that in Forex Trading risk is equal to reward. The more you take risk the more there is chance of earning money.
Yes indeed in forex many trader said no risk no gain, if want to making profit in trading as trader must take the risk, because in every single order already worth these risk at least spread broker and or commission broker, but although forex is risky still many trader want to making money hereForex is all about risk, practicing and getting knowledge. I think managing emotions in Forex is also not easy. A lot of work dedication requires when you are working in Forex. So be mentally prepared when you enter in market.