
Active Trader
May 12, 2020
All fair points. How have you seen the fundamental nature of your approach evolve?

Do you see the same respect for counts and averages holding true in your future's trading as it did with the FX markets?


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
My two cents ... Move to trading Indices ... More ADR than forex

that was quite a ride there.... bet you enjoyed that..... lol.....

i only watched..... know my place..... best time for me the is low volatility asian and london sessions.... just slow laid back trends....

the appeal in futures for me is apex and it's 20 accounts deal...... all i need is 50$ a day..... 20 accounts equates to 1000$ total a day.....

the occasional 200 or 300$ per account day is just a lucky bonus.....

tend to be flat well before any major news..... h

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
All fair points. How have you seen the fundamental nature of your approach evolve?

Do you see the same respect for counts and averages holding true in your future's trading as it did with the FX markets?

would have to recode the counts and averages into mq5...... doubt i will ever do it.... it would remind me of mq4.....

just shootin from the hip, i'd say counts and averages for futures will be the same as forex..... counts and averages really don't change much....

have come up with another idea or 2 that is futures and mq5 specific.....

thought of something funny after i replied the other day, not only did i close the door and walk away from forex /mq4......

i bought all new computers just to be sure i don't waste time looking at the past.....

actually it was more like jumping off a cliff than closing a door.......h




Active Trader
May 12, 2020

would have to recode the counts and averages into mq5...... doubt i will ever do it.... it would remind me of mq4.....

just shootin from the hip, i'd say counts and averages for futures will be the same as forex..... counts and averages really don't change much....

have come up with another idea or 2 that is futures and mq5 specific.....

thought of something funny after i replied the other day, not only did i close the door and walk away from forex /mq4......

i bought all new computers just to be sure i don't waste time looking at the past.....

actually it was more like jumping off a cliff than closing a door.......h


I read this with bittersweetness. I won’t pretend to “know” you, but following you for so many years, I never would have thought I’d see you make such a move in totality.

I suppose my question was not about whether the counts change. Rather, do you still leverage counts of the technicals, or are you more closely watching news or other dynamics that affect futures that didn’t exist in the same way for Forex.

Also curious if futures still allows you to take your approach of stacking small orders, or if you are forced to take the approach of single entries and specific profit targets.

I saw you mentioned trading quiet hours, interesting.


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
I read this with bittersweetness. I won’t pretend to “know” you, but following you for so many years, I never would have thought I’d see you make such a move in totality.

I suppose my question was not about (1)whether the counts change. Rather, do you still leverage counts of the technicals, or (2)are you more closely watching news or other dynamics that affect futures that didn’t exist in the same way for Forex.

Also curious if futures still allows you to take your approach of (3)stacking small orders, or if you are forced to take the approach of single entries and specific profit targets.

I saw you mentioned (4)trading quiet hours, interesting.

(1).... i would be comfortable saying the counts don't change.....

(2).... very careful what enters my mind..... never ever watch any news at all or read a newspaper..... don't even watch anything that has commercials.....

(3)..... i'm trading primarily 1 single micro future at a time but copying the same trade in all 20 accounts..... 1 is the smallest size available.....

(4).... the quiet hours are perfect for me ...... you are not trading against professionals and institutions..... really you are not trading against anyone.....

my goal is 50$..... so far today i'm little over 300...... times 20....... 6000$......

there is really no time to stack orders because everything must be flat by 4cst..... trades must be fast..... almost all are based on 1 minute chart....

as you know, i am most comfortable trading the smallest size available..... i'm sure people laugh ......

but that's just me......h

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  • 👍
Reactions: TradeChaser


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
I saw you mentioned trading quiet hours, interesting.

the asian session fits our time zones...... during quiet times the market breathes in slow rhythmic waves..... it usually pauses a minute or two at the beginning and end of each breath allowing you time to get in correctly.....

i usually get up around 1am cst unless the current charts say keep sleeping.....

you can code alarms to wade you up at certain conditions......

such as if it is after 1am and the stochastic is below 20 and falling, the mfi is below 50 and falling but the jjma and jfatl have just turned up..... if i'm looking for buys the alarm will wake me up.....

actually there are more conditions than that but you get the idea.....

there is no point in me being awake if there is no point in me being awake......

for buys on the 1 minute chart..... i'm looking for the stochastic rising from below 20, mfi rising from below 50, psar breaking up, tma turning up along with jjma and jfatl...... few other minor things......

the little mq5 dashboard lets me know where everything stands on 1 thru 1440..... the higher timeframes play their role.....

to get more trades visible this chart is 5 minute...... you should be able to envision the 1 minute at each arrow.....h



Active Trader
May 12, 2020
These are great insights. I like those charts.

Sometimes prop firms have a demo prior to the actual evaluation. Don’t see that with apex.

I’m curious if, in your walk away from forex, you found a way to demo trade indices in mq5? Before I pay apex a fee, I’d love to see that I stand a chance to make money demo trading!


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
not sure if anyone offers demos. i never looked.... .i just quit forex friday and was trading futures sunday......

the 25k fee with apex is only about 30$ per month till use pass with the 80% off..... once/if you pass , that fee stops..... there will be a data fee at that point..... but only 30$ a month till you pass.....

i know you have a house full, so let me know if the 30 is to much.....

can you make money..... who can say.....

there are some things we both must except...... few people can trade the first 2 hours of the new york open..... don't even think about trying..... we are not professionals..... also, futures is much more time demanding than normal trading...... if you have a position on, you must be there.....

below is my apex for this week and also my small amp account..... amp this regular brokerage.....

apex profit was 536$ per account this week...... for the 20 accounts total little over 10 k..... amp account was 400$......

my goal is 5k a week, but i'd be completely happy with only 300$ total for the week.....

be sure to trade only a single micro at a time..... futures is more difficult than forex......h

//------- amp account

amp friday.jpg
//----- apex.....



Active Trader
May 12, 2020
not sure if anyone offers demos. i never looked.... .i just quit forex friday and was trading futures sunday......

the 25k fee with apex is only about 30$ per month till use pass with the 80% off..... once/if you pass , that fee stops..... there will be a data fee at that point..... but only 30$ a month till you pass.....

i know you have a house full, so let me know if the 30 is to much.....

I would be lying if I didn't tell you every penny was accounted for. But is $30 (or $60 for 2 months, $90 for 3, and so on) too much for an opportunity to participate in an industy that has as much upside as futures or other trading mechanisms? I'd probably feel foolish letting it go by.

apex profit was 536$ per account this week...... for the 20 accounts total little over 10 k..... amp account was 400$......
These are phenomenal results. You'll likely feel patronized by my next comment, but I appreciate the transparency with which you have shared so much of your trading journey. It always seemed like there were only 3 types that were in this game:
  • scammers - they seem to be everywhere
  • failures - stats will tell you this is 90% of them
  • the people consistently earning that don't feel the need to tell others - I can completely empathize with that.
Your transparency has been a big reason why I have followed you so intently. I don't doubt the statistics are against anyone jumping into the game of trading, but if the pie chart truly is divided between those that earn money and those that lose it, I know for a fact there is at least one legitimate earner that gives feedback and knowledge back to the community.
my goal is 5k a week, but i'd be completely happy with only 300$ total for the week.....

be sure to trade only a single micro at a time..... futures is more difficult than forex......h
I would be more than happy with this. I have gone onto Tradovate. Looks like they have their own demo system for a limited time. Hope to replicate your results soon.


Active Trader
May 12, 2020
How is the year going hayseed?

Also, checked your YT recently. Looks like Ll the videos are gone. Did you wipe your YT account? Did these videos go anywhere else?


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
How is the year going hayseed?

Also, checked your YT recently. Looks like Ll the videos are gone. Did you wipe your YT account? Did these videos go anywhere else?

so far so good ...... subject to change.......

trying to get those apex accounts up above 3000 profit in each before taking a payout..... if the daily charts ever give up should do it...... till then it's slow going......

yeah, my youtube venture is over...... moved all the videos to private.....

it was more of a experiment from long ago ..... second time actually.....h



Active Trader
May 12, 2020
That’s interesting to hear. Well, if you ever have another video you feel like making, I’ll be happy to view it. You pretty much taught me MQL4 and custom dashboard structure through those videos. You always have something worth sharing!


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
hey b...... will reply here instead of forexfactory...... lot of distractions on ff now days. ....... enivid keeps the nonsense weeded out here on his site......

yes statistics help but what works very good in forex does not do well for me in futures.....

most of it is just a way to see as much as possible on a single chart..... the mymu chart below is a good example.... it looks confusing but is not.....

it is simply a collection of moving averages with timeframes at the top...... directly under each timeframe is the corresponding buy or sell for the particular moving average type listed on the right.......... almost all moving averages say sell on the 1 minute chart......

the very next row is the stochastic..... its buy/sell signal is list at the top of the numbers....... the numbers are the stochastic's value for each bar back...... you can see the 1 minute charts stochastic has been 4 or below for the past 10 bars...... thats a long time.....

it's those retraces that whack us..... so once the stochastic hits single digits i get ready to bail...... the 5 minute especially..... a 5 minute retrace can wipe out a lot.....

i'm only trying to make 50 to 100 a day per account..... divided between the , dow, nas, s&p and russ2k...... that's only little over 10$ per ticker...... seems ridiculously small....... but considering 20 accounts, that's 500 to 1000 per day...... two weeks of that adds up.....

the 5 and 15 minute stochastic signals help..... i try to not trade against the 60, 240 and 1440 ma's or stochastic for very long......

every single day i close trades that would have gone on to double what i made...... on funded accounts my contract size is almost always a single micro.......

on those apex 250k challenges i might use up to 30...... but usually 5 micros......

it does not take much......h

  • 👍
Reactions: Enivid


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
traded 7 accounts so far this evening...... will trade more.......

made little over 70$ per account..... just 50$ per account per day is 5000$ per week.....

you can see i held that m2ku trade about 30 minutes to long.....

later tonite i'll move to those apex 250's...... dollar value will be higher of course.....

if the moving averages say sell and the stochastic says sell..... i consider selling the smallest contract available......

usually only need a few 5 or 15 minute signals per ticker per day......h



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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
the following myu trade....... notice how many timeframes have stochastic values in the single digits......

once the 240 and 1440 charts turn negative, holding thru multiple waves is safer..... till then i tend to trade the waves individually......

this works best in slow markets..... at the new york open technicals have little useable value.....

my contract size of 1 micro could have been more....... but 1 works......h

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
took the short here on mnq last night but did not take the buy..... apex does not want us being long the nq and short the myu....

you must trade the indexs all in the same direction in all accounts otherwise it's a violation......

small price to pay...... i just follow their rules.....

using 1 micro keeps me out of the 30% trouble...... it also is a sign of consistency.....

and having a clear simple plan......

all those things seem important to apex......h
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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
new york mornings are far to risky for me usually...... trading only challenge accounts now.....

apex 250's...... micro contract sizes 1 or 2 per trade..... waiting on stochastic signals with ma's......h








Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
only trading apex 250 challenges now...... those higher dollar open profit amounts on right are because multiple single contract micros per fall.....

stochastics bottomed out on multiple timeframes and began climbing back up......

that small 1 ,2, 3, 4, or 5 minute counter wave will wipe out all we make some times...... that will hurt us on apex's trailing draw down......

i get out of dodge......h

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