works very well
...i just deleted my life story, so you can thank me for that!
..."okay, enough ranting---here is an attached .gif image of a new setting that utilizes the long and short of it on the Euro/USD
****the settings are at the top of the chart*****
if you are using the latest edition with MaxDiff as a setting, set that to Zero.
NOW, if you don't know how to modify an EA, simply set the tester for
Long-Only trades because this chart was generated AFTER i had made the Trailing Stop functional for sells per the recent bug-fix. The results are the same chart-wise, just only half as many trades.
unless you have all day and night to try to optimize it further (with THESE general settings, i mean), try not to do it, lol, as i have been at it myself the last few hours----the setting of MinDiff @ 120 is right in the ball park---
if you go to 140 you get drawdown big time, and the same down @ 110.
Set it too close to the longer MA and trades don't get a good-enough foothold.
I would, however, tinker with the Trailing Stop setting----i keep it at 5 just so i don't ever have to use an actual TakeProfit, as my broker doesn't allow TPs or SLs to be placed along-with an order.
i am eager to try this setting on many other pairs, including, get this,
Wheat, Sugar and Soybeans?" That'll be interesting!
PS---i could not get any reliable profit from the MaxDiff function, with or without the Trailing Stop enacted. i COULD, but not anything like the setting provided here, so, best leave that at zero.
i am sure there are dozens of other settings 2 B found----have a nice day-------