Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 0.7185 with targets @ 0.7226 & 0.7268
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 0.7185 with targets @ 0.7143 & 0.7102
Comment: Aussie during yesterday’s session dropped against US Dollar, reaching 0.7186 its lowest level since 1st of March 2016. Today the pair managed to recover some of the losses incurred during yesterday’s session and trading close to the First Resistance level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 0.7309
R2 0.7268
R1 0.7226
PP 0.7185
S1 0.7143
S2 0.7102
S3 0.7060
Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 122.53 with targets @ 122.71 & 122.91
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 122.53 with targets @ 122.33 & 122.15
Comment: European currency during yesterday’s session was trading in a range against Japanese Yen, closing the day almost unchanged. Today the pair continues trading flat between Pivot Point level and the First Resistance level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 123.09
R2 122.91
R1 122.71
PP 122.53
S1 122.33
S2 122.15
S3 121.95
Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 1.1166 with targets @ 1.1200 & 1.1260
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 1.1166 with targets @ 1.1106 & 1.1072
Comment: European currency during yesterday’s session continued falling against US Dollar, reaching 1.1131, its lowest level since 15th of March 2016. Today the pair is trading flat, slightly below Pivot point level.
R3 1.1294
R2 1.1260
R1 1.1200
PP 1.1166
S1 1.1106
S2 1.1072
S3 1.1012
Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 160.06 with targets @ 160.60 & 161.60
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 160.06 with targets @ 159.06 & 158.52
Comment: Sterling during yesterday’s session rose against Japanese Yen, closing the day with 150 pips profit. Today the pair is trading flat, however above the First Resistance level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 162.14
R2 161.60
R1 160.60
PP 160.06
S1 159.06
S2 158.52
S3 157.52
Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 1.4582 with targets @ 1.4692 & 1.4751
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 1.4582 with targets @ 1.4523 & 1.4413
Comment: Sterling during yesterday’s session rose against US Dollar, closing the session with 150 pips profit. Today, however, the pair is trading flat, slightly above the Pivot point level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 1.4861
R2 1.4751
R1 1.4692
PP 1.4582
S1 1.4523
S2 1.4413
S3 1.4354
Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 109.76 with targets @ 110.34 & 110.71
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 109.76 with targets @ 109.39 & 108.81
Comment: US Dollar during yesterday’s session managed to return most of the losses incurred in preceding trading day against Japanese Yen. Today USDJPY is trading flat, below Pivot point level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 111.29
R2 110.71
R1 110.34
PP 109.76
S1 109.39
S2 108.81
S3 108.44
Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 1235.04 with targets @ 1243.97 & 1260.99
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 1235.04 with targets @ 1218.02 & 1209.09
Comment: Gold during yesterday’s session continued falling against US Dollar for the fifth day in a row, reaching 1226.11 its lowest level since beginning of April. Today bullion continues trading with negative bias below Pivot Point level.
Supports and Resistances
R3 1286.94
R2 1260.99
R1 1243.97
PP 1235.04
S1 1218.02
S2 1209.09
S3 1183.14
Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 47.97 with targets @ 48.53 & 49.32
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 47.97 with targets @ 47.18 & 46.62
Comment: Crude Oil during yesterday’s session rose against US Dollar, reaching 49.25 its highest level since 9th of October 2015. Today crude oil continues raising and has already reached 49.43 US Dollar per barrel.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 50.67
R2 49.32
R1 48.53
PP 47.97
S1 47.18
S2 46.62
S3 45.27
Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 65.81 with targets @ 66.64 & 67.15
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 65.81with targets @ 65.30 & 64.47
Comment: US Dollar during yesterday’s session dropped against Russian ruble amid continues improvement on energy prices. Today US Dollar continues trading under pressure below the threshold of 65 Russian rubles per US dollar.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 68.49
R2 67.15
R1 66.64
PP 65.81
S1 65.30
S2 64.47
S3 63.13
*Risk Disclosure: The purpose of this risk disclaimer is to inform users of the potential financial risks involved in trading in foreign currencies. The transaction or operations in the Forex or fx markets does involve a substantial degree of risk, and should not be undertaken until the user has carefully evaluate whether their financial situation is appropriate for such transactions. Trading may result in a substantial or complete loss of funds and therefore should only be undertaken with risk capital.

Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 0.7185 with targets @ 0.7226 & 0.7268
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 0.7185 with targets @ 0.7143 & 0.7102
Comment: Aussie during yesterday’s session dropped against US Dollar, reaching 0.7186 its lowest level since 1st of March 2016. Today the pair managed to recover some of the losses incurred during yesterday’s session and trading close to the First Resistance level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 0.7309
R2 0.7268
R1 0.7226
PP 0.7185
S1 0.7143
S2 0.7102
S3 0.7060

Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 122.53 with targets @ 122.71 & 122.91
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 122.53 with targets @ 122.33 & 122.15
Comment: European currency during yesterday’s session was trading in a range against Japanese Yen, closing the day almost unchanged. Today the pair continues trading flat between Pivot Point level and the First Resistance level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 123.09
R2 122.91
R1 122.71
PP 122.53
S1 122.33
S2 122.15
S3 121.95

Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 1.1166 with targets @ 1.1200 & 1.1260
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 1.1166 with targets @ 1.1106 & 1.1072
Comment: European currency during yesterday’s session continued falling against US Dollar, reaching 1.1131, its lowest level since 15th of March 2016. Today the pair is trading flat, slightly below Pivot point level.
R3 1.1294
R2 1.1260
R1 1.1200
PP 1.1166
S1 1.1106
S2 1.1072
S3 1.1012

Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 160.06 with targets @ 160.60 & 161.60
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 160.06 with targets @ 159.06 & 158.52
Comment: Sterling during yesterday’s session rose against Japanese Yen, closing the day with 150 pips profit. Today the pair is trading flat, however above the First Resistance level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 162.14
R2 161.60
R1 160.60
PP 160.06
S1 159.06
S2 158.52
S3 157.52

Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 1.4582 with targets @ 1.4692 & 1.4751
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 1.4582 with targets @ 1.4523 & 1.4413
Comment: Sterling during yesterday’s session rose against US Dollar, closing the session with 150 pips profit. Today, however, the pair is trading flat, slightly above the Pivot point level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 1.4861
R2 1.4751
R1 1.4692
PP 1.4582
S1 1.4523
S2 1.4413
S3 1.4354

Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 109.76 with targets @ 110.34 & 110.71
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 109.76 with targets @ 109.39 & 108.81
Comment: US Dollar during yesterday’s session managed to return most of the losses incurred in preceding trading day against Japanese Yen. Today USDJPY is trading flat, below Pivot point level.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 111.29
R2 110.71
R1 110.34
PP 109.76
S1 109.39
S2 108.81
S3 108.44

Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 1235.04 with targets @ 1243.97 & 1260.99
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 1235.04 with targets @ 1218.02 & 1209.09
Comment: Gold during yesterday’s session continued falling against US Dollar for the fifth day in a row, reaching 1226.11 its lowest level since beginning of April. Today bullion continues trading with negative bias below Pivot Point level.
Supports and Resistances
R3 1286.94
R2 1260.99
R1 1243.97
PP 1235.04
S1 1218.02
S2 1209.09
S3 1183.14

Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 47.97 with targets @ 48.53 & 49.32
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 47.97 with targets @ 47.18 & 46.62
Comment: Crude Oil during yesterday’s session rose against US Dollar, reaching 49.25 its highest level since 9th of October 2015. Today crude oil continues raising and has already reached 49.43 US Dollar per barrel.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 50.67
R2 49.32
R1 48.53
PP 47.97
S1 47.18
S2 46.62
S3 45.27

Market Scenario 1: Long positions above 65.81 with targets @ 66.64 & 67.15
Market Scenario 2: Short positions below 65.81with targets @ 65.30 & 64.47
Comment: US Dollar during yesterday’s session dropped against Russian ruble amid continues improvement on energy prices. Today US Dollar continues trading under pressure below the threshold of 65 Russian rubles per US dollar.
Supports and Resistances:
R3 68.49
R2 67.15
R1 66.64
PP 65.81
S1 65.30
S2 64.47
S3 63.13
*Risk Disclosure: The purpose of this risk disclaimer is to inform users of the potential financial risks involved in trading in foreign currencies. The transaction or operations in the Forex or fx markets does involve a substantial degree of risk, and should not be undertaken until the user has carefully evaluate whether their financial situation is appropriate for such transactions. Trading may result in a substantial or complete loss of funds and therefore should only be undertaken with risk capital.