

Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
today was the first cpi news day for my darwin account.....it's less than 1 month old.....

noticed something interesting......

darwin uses 2 terms, one is ranking, i think it need to be low...... another one is rating , i think it needs to be high....... i'm basing that on ranking is the number on the left and rating is the number on the right of the darwin traders ticker......

anyway the interesting thing is, at least to me, yesterday i was ranked around 180/190..... after cpi, my ranking moved down to 400/500 ..... to me this implies a lot money was made...... most not by me......

now once the dust has settled, my ranking is 155...... what can i derive from that......

to me, it appears the saying, " it's easier to make money than it is to hold on to it'" might be true......

or maybe not......h


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noticed it says i have 40,000 in my darwin account..... not sure what that's about......as far as i know, it's way to early for me to have anything...... still have 20 days to go......h


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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
darwin tracks your best and worst days......

not making my worst days worse while making my best days better, is on my mind......h


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  • 🎉
Reactions: Enivid


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
did not do good this week..... yet again, entered on feelings and not on signals..... outcome obvious.....

trying to force myself into the habit of not adding to hopeless losing trades...... losing and hopelessly losing are two different things.....

2 days were pretty much tied up for the losers to come clean....h

9/15/24 to do list......

1. code trailing stop based on prior 15 minute high or low......

2. code trailing stop based on moving average.....

3. move above 10% return.....

4. move , at least briefly, into darwin double digits....... at least briefly.....

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
and this is where some of those that know me will leave the room.....

well, its been now 30 days with darwin...... time to take a hard look at things.....

bad week with only me to blame..... actually lost 6k or there abouts..... still not back above high water mark..... fault is mine.....

a few will focus on the 30 day total net profit...... don't........ none of us really need that,......

a few will focus on the 30 day gross loss...... do........ none of us really need that,......

in the next 6 days, for those 6 days,

need to be back above high water mark.....

need the numbers in the lime row doubled...... that row is return per trade.....

need w/l ratio increased by 5......

need losses cut by half......

for those 6 days.......

should be easy....... darwin deserves as much....... some might think otherwise........

but they have already left the room......h

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
yet another disappointing darwin week at least from my perspective..... like a bobcat chasing it's tail.....

i let them down.....

after the 15 day calibration period, there will be a following full month minimum before any allocation is considered.....

my 45 days will be up monday...... allocation , or not, is decided and given, or not, on the first of each month.....

it appears my allocation will be 30k...... that will be for 3 months......

each following months allocation, or not, should be easier to obtain due to being able to include the prior 5 months results...... my initial prior 5 months was only 15 days..... that is a tremendous handicap...... admittedly one of little consequence.....

beginning monday, will have 2 goals....... first is to trade better in the darwin account...... second is to study darwins risk engine in an attempt to apply it to apex and other props.......

this is long term thing....... and quite fun.....h

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
from a reply on forexfactory that might interest a few here.......h


i have requested ftp access...... not sure if i'll get it due to being in the states.....there are roads around that but prefer not to travel them.....

i'm working the d-leverage backwards until/if i receive ftp access permission..... we can figure a rough but fairly accurate formula simply by observation.....

d-leverage changes during the day based on the eurusd volatility...... calculating the eurusd volatility per hour per day we could derive a minimum and maximum..... if we assigned the lowest hour of the lowest day as 1 and we could then apply that.....

typically a single 6A_Z contract carries a d-leverage between 0.07 and 0.14...... it varies..... same for 6N_Z.....

a 6N_Z and 6B_Z open at the same time would be around 0.13...... at the london open or new york open, those numbers will rise relative to the eurusd volatility rising.....

a RTY_Z would run normally 0.11.......

a YM_Z might be 0.18...... a few hours later it might be 0.60......

those numbers can be many multiples higher.....

as example, a single NQ_Z carried 1.79 at 00:10.....

a totally acceptable position now might a few hours later be completely unacceptable...... that is how and why the risk engine trims back it's trades......

it wants to maintain a particular var to protect the investor......

my goal is to have darwin triple the size of my trades...... or more.....h


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
for some reason, darwins graph of best days vs worst days reminds me of the joke "who's on first".......

the worst days can not get better and the best days can not get worse...... funny logic.....

anyway, my goal for october will to be raise the total value of the best days, 8.97...... while maintaining the total value of the worst days, 3.01.....

in addition, concerning the average daily return graph...... the green days need to increase while maintaining the red days......

no doubt, easier said than done......

and that's no joke......h

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
i have requested ftp access...... not sure if i'll get it due to being in the states.....there are roads around that but prefer not to travel them.....

just received the ftp word from darwin...... the word was NO.......

and if i can borrow the best reply of all time....... OK....

darwins allocation , or not, in less than 2 hours...... h

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
allocations run for 3 months in silver and 6 months in gold..... i'm in silver...... mine is now 30k...... each month there is the possibility to add another which size will be dependent on your results........

just some info links below......

it's not something i'd lose sleep over, but noticed your posted ranking can be quite different from what is displayed using the rating calculator......h


understanding capital allocations.....


allocations and earnings......

performance fees......

darwin business model......


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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
just released from 30 straight 19 hour days of back to back hurricane storm power restoration work in south florida...... should get back on track here......

we all know the feeling, it's dang good to be home.....h
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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
unless things turn for the worse, next 30k allotment will be granted 11/1/24...... slight chance of 40k, but hardly worth the consideration...... assuming 30k is granted, total will be 60k...... each allotment is for 90 days.....

progress should quicken with each passing month ........ the lessons learned, mistakes corrected, and entys/exits refined should se to that.......

next week would be better spent preparing for november......h

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010

note to me......

a...... calculate and display average retrace risk per symbol per timeframe...... updated on new bar.....

b...... rank and display top 5 potential trades in order of potential......

c...... add ma selection for trailing pending orders......

d...... add trade verification function......




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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
one of the guys on forexfactory pointed out darwin is now offering a 100k permanent type allocation..... for a fee of course...... a one time fee.....

more info here, permanent allocation......

has a high water mark criteria......

have not fully investigated it......

feel compelled to try it out...... just so we will all know for sure......

will likely sit darwin out next 24 hours..... new darwin allotment will be decided at tomorrow's close and given/or not, 11/1/24.....

should get another 30k..... additionally, i'm far enough ahead now as long as i make at least 1$ next month over all, decembers 30k requirement is already made......

will trade apex and topstep........ just not darwin......h


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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
finished the month just under 12%..... which is enough to secure a second 30k.....

all i have to make is 1$ next month to receive decembers 30k..... actually same thing applies for several months.....

as mentioned yesterday, darwin has a deal out now where you can pay a one time fee , along with making a certain percentage return and receive an additional 100k in funding for all time.....

the math of that seems to good to be true..... studied on it hard......

not seeing any negative, went ahead and signed up today...... i need to make 5% to achieve that part...... already paid the fee.....

my last trade today was a loss which ended my string of 110 winning trades in a row......

have high hopes for november....h

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
prefer to lay low on the ym, es, nq and rty for a few days......

perhaps seasonality trades would be safer...... corn, wheat, soybeans, soybean meal.....

would like soybean oil to drop a few points first...... too many timeframe zigzag up legs at the moment.....

heating oil should move in a few months.....

once the dust settles, will look a major indexes again......

assuming it does.......h


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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
darwin's return distribution chart is 10 columns on the left, negative, and 10 columns on the right, positive......

the width value, or increment, of each column so to speak, is derived by taking the highest weekly gain or loss and dividing by 10......

mine currently runs in 0.67 increments..... seems like a cumbersome value......

with a max weekly return of 10%, the columns would increment by 1...... far better...... now, the hard part.......

10% in one week......h

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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
today might be a good example of , buy the rumor, sell the fact......h


  • Mcgraw-Hill, Buy The Rumor, Sell The Fact - 85 Maxims Of Wall Street And What They Really Mean.pdf
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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
finished the month just under 12%..... which is enough to secure a second 30k.....

all i have to make is 1$ next month to receive decembers 30k..... actually same thing applies for several months.....

my last trade today was a loss which ended my string of 110 winning trades in a row......

have high hopes for november....h

november so far has been not what was expected...... perhaps unbelievable..... confusing to say the least.....

below is why it is mandatory to figure out darwins risk engine..... and yet another reason why metatrader trade reports must be taken with care......

do currently have a floating loss of -5450$...... that will shortly be 0...... closing all just as soon as this is written.....

took maybe 6 losses first week of this month..... less than 3000$ total.......

since then, i've had 149 winning trades in a row for a total of 34,850$ gain...... remember, -5450 floating loss......

on november 1st, my total return was just under 12%...... today, my total return in now just little over 11.5 %......
so after making over 34k, my return has fallen......

how can that be...... why after making an additional 34,850 would my total return be less......

sounds impossible......

the good news is........ i might have figured out the reason and a solution.......

the bad news is........ i wasted 34k and 2 weeks for the education.......h


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Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
for my future reference......h

"Darwin Target Risk" specifically refers to the maximum risk level set by the Darwinex platform for a "DARWIN" (a replicated trading strategy), usually capped at a 6.5% monthly Value at Risk (VaR), ensuring consistent risk exposure for investors across all DARWINs.

Darwin Target Risk:
Context: Within the Darwinex platform, a "DARWIN" represents a replicated trading strategy of a trader.

Meaning: The "target risk" is the maximum level of risk that a DARWIN is allowed to take, typically set at 6.5% monthly VaR.

Function: The Darwinex "Risk Engine" adjusts trade sizes to ensure that all DARWINs maintain this pre-defined risk level.


Return calculation formula

Return on summary tables is compounded and not summed. The total cumulative return does not match the sum of the monthly returns.

This is because the cumulative return over a period is calculated by compounding the returns of the constituent sub-periods, and not by simply

adding them up, by using the following mathematical formula:

[(1+(R1/100)) * (1+(R2/100)) * (1+(R3/100))* (1+(Rn/100))... -1] * 100

Adding the results would match the result of withdrawing the profits achieved in every single period.

what is a darwin......

risk manager......

how does the risk engine work......

Return calculation formula


Master Trader
Jul 27, 2010
as mentioned yesterday, darwin has a deal out now where you can pay a one time fee , along with making a certain percentage return and receive an additional 100k in funding for all time.....

the math of that seems to good to be true..... studied on it hard......

not seeing any negative, went ahead and signed up today...... i need to make 5% to achieve that part...... already paid the fee.....

have high hopes for november....h

calling it a week...... still way short on making the required 5% for the additional 100k....... doubt i will make it this month......

unless things fall apart next week, the next 30k is well secured....... that will make it 90k total......

if earnings was the goal, you would need at least 2,000,000.00 in funding...... fat chance of that happening......

as mentioned before, my goal is to use darwin to teach me to be a better trader......

it will......h

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